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BookInMyHands That's a great one to be reminded of, thank you. 8y
Texreader Beautiful 8y
underthebelljar @BookInMyHands I thought so too. Definitely a quote to remember. 8y
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Not suggesting that this book was necessarily #inspiredbyMLKJr, but I thought that it was appropriate that I start this audiobook today. #readjanuary #day16 @RealLifeReading

BookishMarginalia I loved this one! 8y
missberlyreads Just finished this! LOVED it! 8y
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I Have a Dream | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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This beautiful piece is borrowed with permission from my amazingly talented friend and coworker, Grace Rajendran (go follow her Instagram, @ gracerajendran; she's incredible!). There is a lot of darkness and hate in our world right now. Let's be #inspiredbymlkjr - let's be light and love. #readjanuary #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr

Loreen That's beautiful. 💜💜💜 8y
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The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Second Edition | Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, III
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Day16 #readjanuary #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. It has helped me through many a dark day or moment. #inspiredbymlkjr 💙💜⭐️❤️💚

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Nothing by or about MLK but I feel this book continues on in the same spirit. Exposing great human suffering and asking the reader to see the humanity in all people. And the obligation we all have to love and care for our fellow humans, no matter their skin colour, religion, social background and so on. We are all in this together, we are all human and we all deserve love and kindness.

#inspiredbyMLKjr #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

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"Martin and his colleagues spearheaded the drive for direct confrontations between the just black cause and the white power structure. As long as he lived, Martin also did his best to prevent that confrontation from becoming a bloodbath." ~ Coretta Scott King ~ "My Life With Martin Luther King, Jr." #MartinLutherKingJr #CorettaScottKing
#InspiredByMLKJr #InspiredByMartinLutherKingJr

Rest in Power, Dr King, Sister King ???✝️

Reviewsbylola I was considering checking this out from my library but I think I'm going to read her new book after its released tomorrow and I want to out some space between the two. 8y
Donna_sBookMinute @Reviewsbylola -- I want to read that one too. I think this one was revised into a children's version. 8y
Reviewsbylola Ah yes, now that you mention it I remember that I saw this one was a children's book 8y
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I Have a Dream | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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#readjanuary day 16: #inspiredbymlkjr #inspiredbymartinlutherkingjr

A reading list for little Littens.

Lmstraubie I 💗 the Brad Meltzer biographies. They are so well done! 8y
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#inspiredbymlkjr #readjanuary These expansive and excellent volumes by Taylor Branch have been some of the most informative and enlightening reading I have ever experienced. Fair warning, it's a mighty endeavor to take on these books and it took me the better part of a year but I am so grateful to have made it through and am so inspired by the legacy of all civil rights workers of the time.

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