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Life Sucks
Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria
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Im psyched. Im totally psyched. Im not a loser. Who the hell am I kidding? Life sucks for Dave Millerhes broke, girlfriendless, and stuck in a dead-end job. Life sucks harder because his job is night manager at the Last Stop, LAs finest vampire-owned 24-hour convenience store. Daves facing an eternity of turning the hot dogs and installing pork cracklins displays for Radu, his crappy boss and Vampire Master. Its bad enough that Dave is clinging to his days as a vegetarian by refusing to feed off of humans, leaving him weak as a kitten and so not capable of superhuman feats of strength. But when he finds himself competing with psychotic surfer-vamp Wes for the affections of Rosa, a beautiful mortal with a romantic fixation on the dark side, life is about as sucky as it can possibly get.
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Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria
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Litsy, I‘m moving in! I refuse to leave. Being a grownup sucks and I don‘t want to do it anymore. I am now officially living here. 🥰

Crazeedi I feel that way often. Hugs sent your way❤😘💖 5y
BookDragonNotWorm 😂 Need a roommate? The only positive part of adulting is channeling money toward books. And maybe alcohol and being in charge of dessert! (Hope everything is okay?) 5y
Librarybelle This is my go to place to get away from the world. ❤️ 5y
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AmyG Ha! I felt that way today. I, too, escape to Litsy @Librarybelle 5y
Slajaunie Everything is not okay but way too much to share here. Just send prayers, positive vibes or whatever my way, please! Also, a roommate would be fun! @BookDragonNotWorm 5y
Slajaunie Thank you! @Crazeedi 5y
Slajaunie It is indeed a great escape! @Librarybelle 5y
BookDragonNotWorm It's on! Sending all the good vibes, prayers, and positivity your way! May you be surrounded by puppies, kittens, love and good books! 5y
TheBookHippie I feel this 🤦🏽‍♀️ ❤️❤️❤️sending love 5y
Chrissyreadit Sending huge waves of good vibes in your direction! 5y
Daisey Sorry life is not so great at the moment, but agree this is a good happy place! Hugs! 💕 5y
Karisa (((Good vibes))) 💗 5y
marleed Sending positive energy from your tribe in Kansas City! 5y
CarolynM Love and hugs. Hope tomorrow is better. 5y
Megabooks Sending hugs!! 💞💞 5y
tracey38 Sending prayers and 💗 your way! 5y
Lreads Sending hugs, prayers, and good thoughts your way. 💕 5y
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Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria

Went to a library sale, but didn't take a pic, as later on my 3.5 yr old son got a door shut on his hand and it partially severed the tip of his pinky. Went to ER. He has a huge splint on his little hand. We go for the two day check up on Monday and find out if the tip is healing or dying, which also happens to be the same day my mom is having surgery. Life kinda sucks right now and I am not handling it well. Wasn't much of a book haul, either.

Darklunarose Oh hell, your poor boy. That‘s so traumatic for both of you. Everything crossed it starts healing and not drying out. Hope he is comfortable and not in too much pain. 5y
SleepyDragon @Darklunarose Thanks. He's ... uncomfortable. We haven't given him any meds yet. We'll see how the night and tomorrow goes. Everyone keeps saying that even if he loses the tip of his finger, he'll barely even miss it, and it won't stop him from doing anything, but a mom just wants her child whole and healthy. You know? There has been a lot of medical issues in my family lately, and now I have one more to worry/stress over. 5y
Crazeedi @SleepyDragon oh what a nightmare for a mom! I'm just grateful to hear it wasn't a worse accident! But he must be a bit traumatized! Sending you a long distance hug and prayers for strength and healing for your son. Please keep us updated, #litsylove ❤😘🧚‍♂️ 5y
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Crazeedi @SleepyDragon and your mom too! Please know my same thoughts are for her too, ((hugs)) 5y
Caroline2 Oh no!!! That is awful. Nothing more scary or worrying than health troubles. Especially when it‘s your child. Sending big love and healing thoughts. 💖 5y
Darklunarose @SleepyDragon that‘s exactly what a parent wants! A child who isn‘t in pain or hurting but just being a normal child. And you do have enough on your plate! 5y
Texreader Oh the poor baby and you! So hoping all turns out well for you. Will be thinking about you!! 5y
Princess-Kingofkings Oh dear ~ what an awful time! 🦋 5y
tjwill So sorry you‘ve been having a rough time. Hoping everything goes well this week. 5y
Thndrstd Yikes! I‘m so sorry 5y
cobwebmoth Oh, I'm so sorry! Sending good vibes. 5y
Dragon Poor kid, I bet that hurts. Hope the injury heals quickly. Positive energy heading your way 🌺 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Oh no, poor bubba. I hope you're ok, you gotta hold your little family together, hope someone is there for you xx 5y
mrsmarch Thinking of you and your dude and your mom. 💐💐💐🍀🍀🍦🍦🍦 Flowers ice cream and good luck vibes for everyone 5y
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Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria
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A vampire stuck in a dead-end job (pun totally intended), who refuses to kill people, falls for a goth girls who prefers fake vampires and totally has no idea what she is getting herself into. Parts are funny and parts are sweet or sweetly ironic, but overall, neither the story nor the art is very memorable.

Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria
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I've been feeling very out of sorts lately. Three months into the new year and things have not been going my way. Loneliness, depression, self-loathing are all hitting me at once. Can any of you littens reccomend a good self help book to help me out of this slump? It's not really my genre so I don't know where to start. Preferrably something available as an audiobook on libby but any recommendation would be greatly appreciated.

cobwebmoth I'm sorry you're feeling this way. *hugs* 6y
ReadingSusan I am so sorry. I don‘t have any self help books to recommend. But one thing I do when my depression kicks in is reread my favorite books. It‘s like a comfort thing and sometimes helps me feel better. I think this is the toughest time of year especially if you are somewhere cold. Sending you hugs. 6y
Nu-Bibliophile I'm sorry to hear that. If you ever need someone to talk to just give me a shout my email is headinherbooks27@gmail.com As for recommending any self help books, Its Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst is pretty good. 6y
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SW-T I‘m sorry things aren‘t going well. Not sure it‘ll help any but 10% Happier is available on Libby in audio & print. It wasn‘t bad. On Hoopla there‘s Constructive Wallowing by Tina Gilbertson. Not audio and I haven‘t read it yet but heard good things. I hope things turn around for you soon 💕 6y
MallenNC I‘m sorry you‘re going through a hard time. I was also going to suggest 10% Happier. I liked it when I read it a while back. 6y
Blueberry Hey, I'm in Fairfield if you want a hug and a cup of coffee. 6y
Reggie I‘m so sorry to hear this, I have no suggestions for self help but I did read a romance that pulled me out of a gloomy mood and made me laugh... Josh and Hazel‘s Guide to Not Dating. Sending good thoughts. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Sorry to hear that! I hope things get better for you. 💕💕 I don't read much self help, but I connected with this book that I tagged. I also like to read feel good YA to cheer me up. 6y
TrishB Matt Haig books? Not exactly self help, but his reflections. And talking and friends? Sending hugs 💕 6y
SharonAlger I‘m about to post a review on The 7 Habits of Self Loving People, if you‘re interested? I‘ll probably put it up in about half an hour. 6y
mreads Brene Brown ? Hope you feel better 💕 6y
Gina Strong hugs love. I have a child who suffers from the same thing. Reading is a good distraction but if it is chemical in the brain then finding the best village to help you ride the wave and keep your perspective on track is so vital. I would suggest rereading a book you love that makes you happy. Much love from a mom who knows. 6y
Redwritinghood I get that way sometimes too and it sucks. I‘m not big on self-help books, but maybe just go splurge on something you enjoy or go hang out with friends. 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I‘ve only read The Humans, but I own the other. The Humans was amazing!! Feel better😀 way back in the mid nineties, I was so sad and lost, but I kept listening to the Wilson Phillips song “Hold On for One More Day” not sure if that‘s the real title, but it always works! 6y
DGRachel I don‘t have any recommendations as it‘s not a genre I usually pick up, but I agree with those who have suggested picking up an old favorite. That‘s what I tend to do when things are dark. Big hugs and much love to you. I hope you feel better soon. 6y
CoffeeK8 I agree about picking up and old favorite, it if nothing is appealing to you, this book helped me (not a self help) 6y
whatsthEStorey I‘m not big on the genre either, but the tagged book really helped my be kinder to myself and to frame things differently. I definitely recommend it. I found it on Hoopla on audio. I borrowed a print copy from the library as well so I could see the activities. (edited) 6y
Crazeedi Just being on here will help you! There are Litsy of people who care! I hope you are feeling some better today! Sending a big hug! (edited) 6y
CaliforniaCay @readingsusan, @cobwebmoth , @Gina , @Redwritinghood , @DGRachel and @Crazeedi - Thank you all for the kind words and suggestions! I really appreciate it and have been feeling slightly better lately. 6y
CaliforniaCay @nu-bibliophile , @Blueberry - Thank you both for reaching out and offering to help, I really appreciate it and just the offer alone made me feel seen and heard, much love to you both ❤ 6y
CaliforniaCay @SW-T Thank you so much for your kind words and for tagging me in those meaningful posts, all nice words that helped to hear, I feel the love 💜💜💜 6y
CaliforniaCay @TrishB , @JanuarieTimewalker13 - Thanks for the recommendations! I've been listening to Reasons to Stay Alive on audio and it's perfect, exactly what I needed! It's my first Matt Haig and I'm really enjoying him so The Humans is now on my TBR 6y
CaliforniaCay @CoffeeK8 - Thanks for the suggestions, I've heard good things about this and it seems perfect. I was running errands yesterday and decided to see if target had it, but they didn't. I did end up getting 2 similar books though. Hyperbole and a half is now on my TBR 6y
CaliforniaCay @whatsthEStorey - Thanks for the reccommendation. I think this is perfect for me. I've actually seen it before and thought it was something I should look into but forgot all about it. I will be picking this up soon. 🤗 6y
CaliforniaCay @SharonAlger - Thanks for the reccommendation. I read your review and this sounds perfect. Stacked! 6y
CaliforniaCay @MallenNC - thanks for the recommendation, also sounds right up my alley, stacked! 6y
CaliforniaCay @mreads , @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego , @Reggie - Thank you all for the support and the suggestions, I will look into these! 6y
MallenNC @CaliforniaCay I hope you like and and I hope it helps 6y
SharonAlger @CaliforniaCay I hope you like it ♥️ 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @CaliforniaCay Excellent!! I‘m so happy!! ❤️ 6y
SW-T @CaliforniaCay 😊💕😊💕 6y
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Life Sucks | Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria
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Next up on #myreadingweekend TBR book stack.

Comfy knitted superman sweater, cat socks, fireplace, and cable knit blanket. All cozied up and ready to keep reading

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