I‘m not so sure anymore...what do you think?
This book came with our new place so I might as well read it, no?
I‘m not so sure anymore...what do you think?
This book came with our new place so I might as well read it, no?
#nonbookrelated but had to share
Maybe it's because I haven't read the books, when I was little or it's because I didn't get it, but I didn't like this one.
The idea and the historical black is ok, but I didn't get into the story. I read it till the end, because I can't hardly bail books, but I knew the whole time reading it, this will be the only book I read.
What do you think? Should I read the originals or am I too old for that? 😉
I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did, but they kept the joke going and the little references to the ridiculousness - and loveliness - of the original Famous Five books made me smile. It's a very quick read, probably only took me an hour and a half to finish it. I would recommend it, but if you're pro-Brexit it's probably not for you! My Instagram Live video about this book is up now: http://www.instagram.com/juliannebenford #sbksept
My next #sbksept read! I spent most of my childhood reading and rereading Enid Blyton books and I think Brexit is the stupidest idea since someone thought it might be nice to let Donald Trump run for office. So I'm quite excited to give this a go!
If you fancy joining me and reading some short books this month, sign up here: http://www.betterthandreams.com/2017/08/the-short-short-books-reading-challenge/
#parody #political #comedy #politics
I loved the Famous Five as a child so I loved the idea of these satirical books. It was funny enough but not anything amazing
Der nächste Bücherstapel ist da, so kann der nächste Buchclub anfangen. 😍
So the next book haul has arrived, let's start the next buddy read. 😍 @Bambolina_81
Oh dear @MrsMalaprop --- this is what is happening by the bed here. Im not reading as much as I do at home.
Some came with me , the rest I've collected from op shops here. What I don't read here I'll bring home to add to that Collection by the bed! I think I'll read The Silence of the sea on the plane. It's by an Icelandic author. Now I've been there I'm going to try some of their authors. Also going to watch DVDs of films made in Iceland.
I've been stuck on the sofa with my damaged ankle and this was a relatively amusing distraction. It's a rather heavy handed parody but does do some justice to the farce of the Brexit campaign
I've started reading this while I'm waiting for the potatoes to boil. I'm sure I'll have a blast with this little book. If it's good I might get all the others as well. I grew up with the Famous Five so this ironic adult version is just right for me. 😁
I wanted to love this. But it seems like it was rushed out in time for Christmas and could have done with some rethinking/editing. I think it would have been a much more effective parody of Brexit if the real Brexit vote hadn't been mentioned but had been alluded to. I will say that because I don't know the Famous Five as well as some do, it's possible that I missed some clever references.