Book #3of the series. Well, Gregor & boots have to save the day again. Stupid prophecy. And this time there mom comes to check it out. It‘s quite an adventure with new plants & animals, new friends and old…a good continuation of the series.
Book #3of the series. Well, Gregor & boots have to save the day again. Stupid prophecy. And this time there mom comes to check it out. It‘s quite an adventure with new plants & animals, new friends and old…a good continuation of the series.
Day 19 of #scarathlondailyprompts is curse.
When my son was in elementary school we absolutely loved reading this series together. Each book deserved five stars in our estimation. #TeamSlaughter #scarathlon
They were planning to keep his mom down here for many months!
I loved the different types of text in the book making it easier to pay attention to keep sucked in during the novel.
Gregor and the curse of the warmbloods, published in 2022 was an interesting read. IT was very entertaining and felt as though something was always going on. Definitely a good read for someone who gets distracted easily and therefore can pay attention given the different things happening.
It looks like an easy read and based on reviews, it is a great read because it is suspenseful, fast-paced, and not a disappointment in the installment.
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods, Suzanne Collins, 2020. The third book in the series. Gregor and Boots are called back to the Underland to help the Prophecy fight off a plague. They are allowed to go but only if their mom is allowed to go with them as well.
Gregor's mom gets tired of her kids disappearing and goes with him and Boots to follow up on the Prophecy of Blood. Unfortunately, she gets the Plague and Gregor ventures out with a crew to find the cure! Family secrets, old friends and new dangers await...
I bid Gregor adieu until I can get the books because we don't have the last 2 digital books but I absolutely love this series!!! #middlegrade #raisingreaders
#AudioCrocheting while finishing the tagged book. Sadly, my library doesn't have the next 2 digital audiobooks 😱😭😭😭 so I requested the cds from another library but they might be too slow for me! Lol, not to mention that 2 other holds came in within the last 2 days! 😖
Well written with a jaw dropping plot twist!
I read the first book in this series many moons ago and loved the concept. Dipped back in to work my way through the rest of the series. Suzanne Collins does not disappoint. Great read for the middle grade and tween crowd.