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On Becoming Baby Wise
On Becoming Baby Wise: Book One : the Classic Reference Guide Utilized by Over 1,000,000 Parents Worldwide | Gary Ezzo, Robert Bucknam
7 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
"Discover the positive prescription for curing sleepless nights and fussy babies. Recommended by doctors across the country." - Back cover.
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Hi book friends! Sorry I‘ve been a bit MIA for months—yes, I know, MONTHS! It‘s been a busy year. We bought and moved into our first house. My husband was finishing up his masters and we had a BABY BOY! I‘m planning to get back into the swing of posting updates on my reading journey these last few weeks of my maternity leave.

How has everyone been? I‘ve missed you all! Introducing my little guy: Isaac! Born 9/18/19! #thegreeneyedreader

MoonWitch94 Congratulations! 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto Congratulations! 5y
youneverarrived Congratulations!! 💙 5y
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julesG Congratulations!!! 5y
intothehallofbooks Yay! Congratulations on all of this good news!! 5y
Liatrek Congratulations🎉🎉🎉 5y
TheSpineView So sweet! Congrats! 💙💙💙 5y
throwmeabook Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
JenReadsAlot Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 5y
NovelGirl82 Congrats!!! He‘s adorable!!! 5y
Lizpixie Congratulations! He‘s so cute😍I miss having bubbas around.👶🏻 5y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 💙 5y
tournevis Congratulations and welcome back!!! 5y
Sace Congratulations! 5y
Lreads Congratulations! Isaac is a cutie! 💕🎉 5y
squirrelbrain Congratulations - he‘s so cute! 5y
jillrhudy Jess, you don‘t want to tag that book. It‘s associated with child abuse in the evangelical community and triggers me and many others. Love the photo of Isaac though. 5y
sprainedbrain Congratulations! Glad to see you back. ❤️ 5y
JennyM Congratulations and lovely to see you back 5y
Jas16 Congratulations! He is adorable 5y
JamieArc Congratulations! You‘ve been missed here on Litsy! 5y
mabell Congratulations! 5y
phatsallylee Congratulations! 5y
MaureenMc Congratulations! 5y
GripLitGrl Congratulations 🍼💙 5y
AnneCecilie Congratulations 5y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhhh 5y
LazyDays Wow how amazing! Congrats💗 5y
writerlibrarian Congrats 💜💜💜 5y
LiteraryinPA Congratulations on your new addition!!!! 5y
Lcsmcat He‘s adorable! Congratulations and welcome back! 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Congratulations! 5y
Eggs Congratulations 👶🏼🎉🎈🎊 5y
Crazeedi Awww! Congrats to you and hubby on your precious son! Babies are so wonderful, welcome to the world! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Congratulations! And welcome back! 👏🎉 5y
JacqMac Congratulations! He‘s adorable. 5y
TheRiehlDeal Congrats! He's such a cutie! 5y
Redwritinghood Congratulations! 5y
dragondrool Congrats! And hello, Isaac, and welcome to our Litsy family!

KT1432 He's so cute! Congrats! 5y
mom2bugnbee Congrats! Welcome to the world, Isaac! 5y
mrp27 Congrats!!! 5y
LeahBergen Congratulations!!! He‘s gorgeous!! 💙💙💙 5y
Simona Congratulations❣️ 5y
BookwormM Congratulations what a gorgeous little boy 5y
Blaire He is beautiful!! Congrats! Soak up those last few weeks of leave. 5y
CarolynM Congratulations to you and the new dad. Welcome baby Isaac, you gorgeous little bundle!💕 5y
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My baby boy decided he wanted to go ahead and come into the world 4 weeks early! What a surprise! I‘m one proud Momma! I think I‘m finally ready to get reading again! I‘ve been a little busy this month! 🤱🏼💙

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One of my best friends sent me these soon after I told her I was pregnant and I‘m just now finally getting around to looking at them. Now that he‘s almost 12wks (or 4wks adjusted because he‘s a preemie) to get #LittleDude on a schedule ASAP; hoping I‘ll find some useful insights/tools inside these covers. (Wish me luck getting any reading done!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻)

Do you have a favorite baby or parenting book that you recommend? 👶🏻📚


I thought this book was going to focus more on sleep training, but it was actually just a very basic guide on how to care for baby.

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Ugh, so true lately! Wanting to set some serious book goals for the brand new year, but I've been struggling to find time to pick up books lately and when I do I feel like I'm reading like a turtle. 😖 So much to do before the baby comes in April!! Still loving One Dark Throne even though it's taking me eons to get through!

DivineDiana Take care of yourself! 7y
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Doing some reading on feeding schedules. #babyprep #doingmyresearch #13weekstogo #babykoct2017

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I hate this book with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. I literally buy it whenever I see it at yard sales and thrift stores just so I can recycle it and so no one else will buy it. It is dangerous and even the American Academy of Pediatrics has advised against it due to it leading to dehydration, failure to thrive, and other problems in infants. It definitely qualifies as #threwitacrosstheroom. #photoadaynov16

Seekingtardis This entire line should be repo'd!!! When I worked at a book store I literally bought a lady another, better, book so she would not buy this one!!! 8y
Krisjericho @Tcip Yes! Mayim for the win. 8y
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Krisjericho @Seekingtardis Thank you. Seriously. I was shaking writing this blurb, this book angers me so much. 8y
Leniverse Urk. Your post made me curious, so I looked the book up on Amazon. I fully see why you would hurl it across the room and bin any copy you get your hands on. It claims to be recommended by doctors across the country?!? I pity insecure parents who are advised by such quacks. 8y
KVanRead 'Fiery passion of a thousand suns' —love that! So many of these parenting books have ruthlessly tortured poor, innocent new parents! For me it was Ferber and that super-nannying sanctimonious 8y
KVanRead 😡With my second I read lots of novels and zero parenting books and we were all much happier. 8y
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