#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day, in no particular order. No reviews, no explanations. Just covers. Day 6: The Wicked, the Divine.
#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day, in no particular order. No reviews, no explanations. Just covers. Day 6: The Wicked, the Divine.
Heard about this book from the “It‘s Lit”Podcast episode with V. E. Schwab so glad I gave it a read. 😁
I loved this! It reminds me of Sandman, with the gods existing as real people, but with its own unique twist. I‘m jumping right into the next book. I hope we get to meet Inanna!
All the characters are awesome except Baphomet, who is an alpha goth douchebag. But I‘m pretty sure that‘s intentional so well done 😂 And the art is so beautiful and clean.
I love Luci!
I have no idea why on Litsy this seems to have a tag saying “[Dogfood]“ before it...
Anyway, this was a reread because I want to finish this series, but knew I wouldn't remember enough of the detail. It's surprising how little concrete information we get.
Beautiful, though.
Oh hell yeah! The art was stunning, the characters were all brilliant and bold, the lore was just so weird and wonderful, and the world was awesome. I NEED the second volume!
Last #2020 #wrapup! This one for #graphicnovels. Top 2 (Descender, Ms. Marvel) I am finished with the initial series runs. Bottom 2 (BB Free, The Wicked and the Divine) I'm not finished with/they aren't finished creating them
Is it just me or did this story feels like it started somewhere in the middle of something?
It's an interesting first volume and it leads to a lot of questions as all I got from the book was that every 90 years, twelve gods are reincarnated.
As to what kind of Gods and any actual questions regarding them is all up in the the air but the comic did it's job of piquing my interest so I'll be on the lookout for vol.2
I've read the first two books ages ago, but nowI bought all of them, can't wait to see how the story continues
The artwork from this is some of my all-time favorite, right up there with Paper Girls. The storyline is super interesting. Gods reincarnate on earth every hundred years and are superstars while they're here, but they die after 2 years. Will be continuing the series. Borrowed on my tablet from #hoopla
This is a second read through for me. I read the first time some years ago, but at the time I couldn't get into it, but Icreally enjoyed this time around.
Gods who only live for 2 years, but reincarnate 90 years later.
#graphicnovel #comicbook
I finally began my WicDiv reread over some egg drop soup with gochujang. I think both the soup and the comic helped with my cold, so that‘s good.
GN Challenge: 5/366
This was a reread and just as enjoyable as the first time. The artwork is absolutely gorgeous too 😍
#graphicnovel #comic #libraryread
I loved this! I loved it so much! I want more volumes to be on kindle unlimited.
This made me chuckle......but now I have the Vengaboys stuck in my head! 🤦🏼♀️
Went in the library to pick up a reservation. Ended up with these bad boys too.
Read through these all one last time before passing them along. I'll be sad to see the series end—it's been around for as long as I've been reading single issues! (Don't worry, I've still got the hardcovers) 😉
Loved the artwork in this graphic novel! At first I was a wee bit confused as to what was going on with the story, but it picked up afterwards. Luci (a.k.a Lucifer) was my favorite character. Definitely graphic and not for the faint of heart. I'm thinking I'm going to continue reading the series just to see where it goes next.
I‘ve read this many times before, but I still enjoy it! I really love the magazine issue and watching all the characters muddle through their emotions and confusion.
Am I confused and not sure I grasp what is going on? Yes.
Am I hooked on the characters and simply must continue on to find out just what the hell is going on? Definitely.
-Every 90 years, 12 Gods are brought back to life to be worshipped, idolized and hated. Two years later, they‘re all dead- that in a nutshell is all I know. Gorgeous art and I loved seeing the Gods being pulled from different mythologies.
Guess the Birthday Boy enjoyed his present.
How did I miss this one?? I haven‘t picked it up yet. It sounds right up my alley with Mythological Deities. Has anyone else read this??? Thoughts??
I may use this line next time someone tests my patience...
Great artwork, intriguing premise, hard to follow ... and not my cup of tea. But extremely quick to read, on Kindle Unlimited so essentially free, and fulfilled prompts for 4, yes 4!, challenges. 3🌟
#52in52-2019 #somethingnew (My first ever comic read) #popsugar2019 #anownvoicesbook #ReadHarder2019 #comicbyanLGBTQIAcreator #LitsyAtoZ #W
Quite possibly the best epigraph I‘ve seen. Boom Boom!
In love with the artwork, like majorly in love. The story line and the characters are amazing, but the dialogue complicates the plots and makes it confusing at times. Still, I can‘t wait to delve into this series and get my hands on other volumes.
The art in this graphic novel is beautiful! I highly recommend it.
Every 90 years, 12 people are chosen to become the gods and goddesses of mythology. This allows them unlimited powers and the ability to do whatever (and whomever) they want, but they only get to live for two more years. Of all the graphic novels I've read, this might be one of my favorites. The characters are compelling, the story keeps you hooked, and the artwork is absolutely gorgeous.
My niece, who has very similar tastes to me in graphic novels, recommended this series, and my library has it on Hoopla! I can‘t wait to start it.
Holy moly this was good. I just love the idea of gods coming back and messing about. It just makes for a crazy, fun ride! This was awesome. The story was great, I can‘t wait to read further volumes. The art was so beautiful, I have no words for it. In essence, it was godly. 😉
There still aren‘t any characters that you can have an uncomplicated relationship with, but that‘s part of what makes this so amazing. It‘s the comic I‘ve read the longest - since it first came out! #graphicnovel #fantasy #mythology
I am not a graphic novel kind of reader. However, I knew as soon as I finished The Library at Mount Char that I was in danger of a reading slump. When my library emailed me suggesting I‘d like this, I decided to give it a try. Never fuck with the prediction of a library. I LOVED this. I loved the art, the characters, the humor, the queerness. I wish I could take the day off and binge read. I ❤️ my library.
Well, this comic is a whole lot of fun. All I knew going in is what it says on the back—every 90 years 12 gods return as young people. They do their thing for 2 years & then they die. In this volume there‘s a murder (an unexpected one), a groupie/fanatical fan who wants to be more, & trouble, lots & lots of trouble. Lots to say about modern celebrity, fandoms, culture & more. A good read. Bonus material includes a cover by Kevin Wada.😍
The skies are dark and heavy rain has moved in—perfect atmosphere for reading a good story. Raided my daughter‘s book shelf for this one...
This is the first thing I have read all the way through in over a month. I know it‘s a #graphicnovel, but I‘m happy to finally be reading anything at all. That said, this was interesting. I went through reading and didn‘t think I‘d want to read another volume, but then the end happened.
The gods are dropping like flies in book six. And I wish I had a better sense of how far along into the two year cycle they are? But as always, the art and mythology are beautiful, and I am here for it.
I really love Annie. I wish we got to see more of her.
This volume is kinda nuts. And boy, sooo many surprises!
This volume was a little underwhelming. It's shifting gears from the original plot to the new mystery but it makes a muddle getting there.
Loving the focus pieces. Minerva's (bottom right) new look is great!
The premise here is cool but the writing lacks depth and clarity. Character relationships aren‘t fleshed out enough. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Continuing my comics rereads to clear my backlog of unread issues.
The art of Wicked + Divine is insanely beautiful. The concept of the story is very cool. The actual text doesn't always make as much sense as I'd like but this first volume is wonderful.
Wicked + the Divine has been a go to for quality storytelling in graphic novels and this volume fails to disappoint.
Tonight's outdoor reading selections. I'm gonna finish my current Calendar Girl novella, then reread some awesome comics!
Boom! I think I found myself a new series to binge on!
3.5/5 stars. Some of the characters/relationships/action seemed underdeveloped. However, the premise is intriguing & presented well in this intro volume. The art is wonderful, & the colorist does brilliant things with light/dark effects. Honestly the artistic depictions pulled me in most. The Morrigan character/design are my favorite. I hope to see more of her. I've heard that the next volumes get better. Will definitely continue. #projectnew
My fav moment in this volume. The building action, the danger and urgency, the little doubt in the back of my mind that maybe the goddess wouldn't come through making the danger feel genuine, and then when she does come just in time in a flurry of black feathers from the dark, saving Laura but silencing/containing her fear with a hand over her mouth at the same time...yeah this moment and the Morrigan's aesthetic are divine. #projectnew
I love HP references! 😀❤😀❤😀
Although #freakyfriday is done, my hold for this one just came through. This cracked me up! This is how my google searches look 😂