#7days7covers #covercrush Day 6
Posting covers I love for 7 days, no explanation needed. Tagging someone new to play each day.
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 6
Posting covers I love for 7 days, no explanation needed. Tagging someone new to play each day.
@zezeki would you like to play?
A retelling of The Tempest. You know going in that things won‘t end with a happy ever after, but overall the characters were well done and the story was well told.
I finally got to this beauty that had been sitting on my shelf for a year.
I see that a lot of folks didn‘t care for it. I thought it was beautiful. A retelling of Shakespeare‘s Tempest, there isn‘t a lot of action, but the characters are wonderfully rendered and deeply feeling. I loved Caliban in particular, and his innocence and pure heart.
I think if you liked the original play, and Shakespeare in general, you should enjoy this.
I can‘t believe I‘ve let this sit on my shelf for a year! It‘s time to give it a try. I think I‘ve been partially swayed by all the poor reviews, but Ms Carey is one of my favorite authors, so I‘m optimistic.
Also- this cover! Swoon!
Well. Do you have an author who wrote a book(s) that changed your life and yet you can't seem to like anything else they wrote? Originally I was going to mark this So-So, then I realized that I didn't enjoy a single page and that I was marking it such because it's Carey. Do you give certain authors "passes"? I found this boring and distant and annoying. Gorgeous cover though.
This book is taking FOREVER to get through. I think I'm finally ready to admit I don't like anything by Carey except the two Kushiel trilogies. Sigh.
#bestof2017 Honorable Mention
This is a retelling of Shakespeare's The Tempest and o thought it was well done. I enjoyed getting more of a back story to the characters time on the island leading up to the play.
Retellings of 'The Tempest' seem to be everywhere. I agree with the mixed reviews it has been receiving, as it didn't feel like something new or different-- general Tempest fatigue or something else? Jacqueline's writing is gorgeous as always, but I didn't feel the same wonder as I did with Kushiel's Legacy. Overall, a good read. 3/5.
This is all down to personal taste but I had to bail on this one. I got so close to the end and I carried it around for so long I'm a bit frustrated. The writing was beautiful and lovely, and everything was on point but it just felt more and more like two teenagers in lust. Again, totally a personal preference thing I'm sure. I do recommend it if you don't mind sex being the point of the plot. I was so disappointed.
I think the nicest way to describe my thoughts on this book is that I was confused by many of the author's choices. One dimensional and predictable characters. Nothing really interesting about the plot if you've already read The Tempest, since the author doesn't play with events or character intent in surprising ways. Add on the "confusing author choices" and this was close to a "pan."
After loving a recent re-read of The Tempest to pair with Hag-Seed, I grabbed this right up when I saw it in the library. I know it won't compare to Atwood or Shakespeare - I am starry eyed for both - but hoping for the best!
I love books reimagined from the perspective of secondary characters and I was excited to read this, but Caliban's 'voice' grated, and really impacted my enjoyment of the book. ⭐⭐1/2
Photo credit: Irene Gallo
I gave this three stars out of five. I'm not sure that it's quite a retelling of the Tempest as much as providing some back story for the characters - starting when Miranda is about 6 years old. It was easy to read , and I did enjoy it, but something about the way Caliban is written (POV alternates between M and C) made me a bit uncomfortable.
I really enjoyed this retelling of The Tempest!
Didn't like how the author voiced Caliban AT ALL. Just because he doesn't speak the language doesn't mean he's simple. Very disappointing.
Ultimately giving this a so-so rating -- both on the plot and the audiobook. (See previous posts for more of my thoughts.) Not even sure who the target audience is -- YA?? Anyway, I have a stack of books to feature here and on Twitter, so that's where I'm turning my attention tonight.
If I weren't listening for a freelance assignment I would have bailed. The retelling is okay (and you don't need to know the original play to enjoy the novel), but I'm finding the narration to be on the theatrical side and the characters sound pretentious. Skip the audiobook & go for print. I'm only a little more than halfway; however, I predict this will be a so-so read. I'll let you know.
I'm listening to this now. Audio production is okay. The book is a retelling of Shakespeare's THE TEMPEST -- I'm too early into the audiobook to make a judgment. At the moment, I'm invested.
Rather torn on this one. While I really enjoyed the writing style and the world building, the author made some weird choices that sat with me wrong. If you like engaging reads and don't mind a book that dances around the colonialism of The Tempest while fixating a little too much on period blood in the second half, check this one out.
What if Miranda (a shipwrecked wizard's daughter) and Caliban (the wizard's "monstrous" servant) fell in love? It's...a romance retelling of The Tempest! If you haven't read the Tempest, this short novel will still make sense to you. However, don't expect it to engage with any of the post-colonial/racial tensions that dominate most discussions of The Tempest. This is allllllllll romance. Out on Valentine's Day! #ARC Thanks NetGalley!
Thanks to NetGalley I can read the new Jacqueline Carey's book! I'm so excited about it!
This was a beautiful book. Atmospheric and lyrical. I read an ARC but loved it so much that I preordered an actual copy for myself. Everyone should read this.
I still wasn't wholly convinced by the narration, but ach, I was spending the whole time wishing that The Tempest ended another way. I ended up reading this almost without stopping, except for a brief pause to study the endocrine system. It enchanted me.
"It seems to me that the gods are cruel to women who eat fruit..."
Not sure about the narration. Given her age, Miranda sounds way too mature. Still... New Jacqueline Carey!
Ahhh! How was this book not on my radar?!? I loved Carey's Kushiel's Dart trilogy (hope to get to more of the series soon) and this retelling sounds so good! 😍 Check out the Unbound World articles that the @EclecticReaders posted about upcoming 2017 Sci-fi and Fantasy releases for more great books!
This is one of the most beautiful books I've read in a long time. I'm only 15% through it but gah! I... Feel... /Lal