Finished this one on December 21st. #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #WGWordSearch 3,630 pts #BookSpinBingo #AVeryMerryReadathon #WinterCosy #WrapItUp #HolidayHorrors #Adventathon #ChristmasMyWay

Finished this one on December 21st. #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #WGWordSearch 3,630 pts #BookSpinBingo #AVeryMerryReadathon #WinterCosy #WrapItUp #HolidayHorrors #Adventathon #ChristmasMyWay
Eggnog is either a Yay or Nay with very few in between. For the eggnog people, this is for you...Frosted Eggnog Cookies
I keep hearing good things about “Eggnog Murder”. I guess I‘ll add it to my list of books I need to buy one day. 🎄
Thank you soooo much @MaleficentBookDragon for another amazing pkg!! I love my hum-mug 😆 & the yummy chocolates and cute bookmark! I've never seen that tea, the cocoa, or that flavor jr mints & can't wait to try them!! The socks are soo soft & perfect for this house in winter. I'm sooooo geeked about getting one of your crochet'd ornaments!! & the books are perfect! I love holiday cozies & these were at the top of my wishlist! Thank you!!! ♥️♥️♥️
From 12-20-17: #decktheshelves Jingle Juice. That would be eggnog, right?!? 😂🥛🎄📖#️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Perfect time of the year to read this! Onto Turkey Trot Murder next and then I will be caught up on this series 😊
I think maybe my 2018 book goal will to be to catch up on series I'm behind on 😉