Hey guys I'm all by my lonesome in group N! Come join me and we can share some awesome books! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080444aead2ca0ff2-litsy1
Thank you @suvata for organizing this! #LMPBC
Hey guys I'm all by my lonesome in group N! Come join me and we can share some awesome books! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080444aead2ca0ff2-litsy1
Thank you @suvata for organizing this! #LMPBC
My tiny human and my big male human are going out of town today 😭😭 it‘s the first time that Lilah is leaving me for 3 days! I‘m a little anxious, but I am also looking forward to some “me” time. I have good books, lots of junk food and a ton of tv to catch up on. Should be a great weekend if I can keep my crazy under control while my baby is gone!!
Je n'ai plus de place dans ma bibliothèque... je vais devoir en racheter une ... en attendant on continue Alone de Scott Sigler!
#plusdeplace #francais #nouveau #bibliotheque #tropdelivres
A perfect ending to a phenomenal ground breaking and refreshing SciFi series. Sigler is a master at world building and character development. His ability to create and define alien species is a work of genius. If you read one series this year, make it this one.
Seriously, this book and it's predecessors are a breathe of fresh air.
Read them! Read them now!
"Sometimes courage is carried by a roar - sometimes it is hidden within a wavering voice." - Scott Sigler (Alone)
#bookstagram #scottsiglerbooks #scottsigler #alone #quoteoftheday
PhotoCredit: Faunascapes
Bitch is what they call you when you won't do what your told. - Scott Sigler (Alone) #quoteoftheday #scottsigler #alonenovel
PhotoCredit: Lulu Guinness
"Reality is what it is whether we like it or not." - Scott Sigler (Alone)
Only Scott Sigler can go there and have it make sense. He is a SciFi champ! 📚🐸👑
Personal goal for this gem 💎📚💕
Apparently Lily is not as engrossed in this @scottsigler book as I am. But she's still being rude. #whoamikiddingshesincharge #catsoflitsy
Stayed up way too late to finish this thrilling conclusion to Sigler's YA trilogy! He's such a great writer and this is such a satisfying finish! It's YA, but has a wide appeal! Can't wait to see what he writes next!! #DogsofLitsy
I still love me some dystopian. So excited to get book three in this trilogy. Genetic engineering, politics, freedom -- a struggle for survival. Love the good world building, and it's easy to root for our hero, Em. @penguinrandomhouse (Del Rey)
Super excited to get to read the end of this trilogy! I loved how great the world building has been and cannot wait to see what fate lies in wait for M and the others. @scottsigler ALWAYS brings it. Always!