A #Peace cookbook from my collection. I checked this one out from the library twice before finally buying it a few years ago. I‘ve made & loved a couple of the soups in it including the Zucchini, Cumin & Mint one shown here.
A #Peace cookbook from my collection. I checked this one out from the library twice before finally buying it a few years ago. I‘ve made & loved a couple of the soups in it including the Zucchini, Cumin & Mint one shown here.
@RaimeyGallant Here you go - to give you some idea of the sort of thing included. It's tiny, but you can screenshot and zoom. I think my main problem with it is it's a bit wordy, so I Iook at any recipe and go "gaah, complicated/way too many ingredients" and put it back on the shelf, when it's probably not that bad! They do all look good though.
Day19 #MayBookFlowers #Peace I checked this peace-titled vegan cookbook out from the library 8 months ago (I returned it of course! 😆) but I never made the Zucchini, Cumin & Mint Soup recipe I copied down. In honor of today's photo theme and zucchini being on sale, this recipe will be Sunday's soup. 😋🍲💚🍴📚 #cookbooks #soup I may have to cave and buy the book if the soup is as good as it sounds.
And catching up from yesterday- a cook book special #fortheloveoffonts #readjanuary.
These are all stunning books - but I can count the recipes I've actually made from them on one hand 😑
#Day12 #SeptemberPhotoChallenge #librarylove I live between 2 libraries about 2 miles from each which is good because there aren't many bookstores here. Neither library is fancy, but this one is my favorite due to the great library/community bookstore downstairs (blue window). Regular prices there are $1 HB & .50 cent PB but they do monthly genre 50% offs & an annual summer sale where the bottom corner stack pic came from. #somethingforsept 📚❤️