Some very sweet mail today from the #poutinepenpals Thank you @teebe @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
Some very sweet mail today from the #poutinepenpals Thank you @teebe @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
Where does the time go?! Mr. Jace is 1-year-old today. He got to read not one but two books in his new reading chair. It took forever to get him to stop playing with the chair and look up! 😆
We read this one first. He was a bit distracted but it‘s super cute and perfect to read on a kid‘s birthday. 5⭐️
Happy birthday @NatalieR ! We hope today is amazing!! #BirthdayLove
The #LitMail crew is wishing a very happy birthday to @EliNeedsMoreShelves! We hope you have a fantastic day!
As promised, we celebrated my son's 15th birthday with a nice steak dinner, accompanied by red beet gnocchi & steamed snow peas& spinach. He wouldn't let me bring my book which was just as well, since we had an engaging conversation about the various nuances between acceptance, tolerance and respect. Don't worry about our youth, they are global ambassadors and citizens of the world. Way wiser than I was....