This book is funny but crude, and I couldn't put it down. It's not for everyone.
This book is funny but crude, and I couldn't put it down. It's not for everyone.
So it turns out there are five novels about Bukowski‘s alter-ego protagonist and I had already read Post Office albeit out of order. So I decided to start from the beginning with this one. It‘s all about Henry‘s childhood and teen years growing up with an antagonistic father and as an outcast lower class kid trying to survive the school yard in a rich, upper class school. It‘s just as raunchy, irreverent, funny and blunt as you‘d expect.
Es ist ein gutes Buch. Kein Must-Have, aber gut.
Freu mich schon bald zu lesen.
📖 Ham on Rye
📝 Joseph Heller
🎬 Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (total guilty pleasure)
🔥hot wings
#manicmonday #letterh
Hilarious novel from the master himself. Not for the politically correct. Overall rating: 4.65 stars
The big review of the Prototype Press edition (with purty pictures) is up on my blog at www.thewholebookexperience.com. Example illustration above by Sean StarWars.
Ugh. I‘m not sure what to think about this book. The best thing was reading it in the beautiful edition from Prototype Press. I want to say this is white teen angst defined but it‘s not really; Henry has good reason to feel bitter and hopeless. CB does a great job of portraying that with brutally direct prose. Henry is a realist who sees some truths about justice, war, education, relationships, etc. But he, and the book, are hard to like.
This is where the #bookporn happens. Taking pics of the Prototype Press edition for the review on my blog. Ham on Rye? Order up soon! #finepress #letterpress
Sun setting as I read this magnificent edition of Bukowski. I might like the book (as an object) better than the writing, but we'll see how that pans out...
Humbled by the generosity of the Prototype Press in allowing me to review their new fine press edition of Ham On Rye. My first Bukowski novel and I'm already high in the smell of the handmade cotton paper. So excited! #finepress #Bukowski
"The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even during the day with covers pulled up to my chin. It was good in tgere, nothing ever occurred in there, no people nothing."
#quotsyjan18 #Nothing @TK-421
Ham on Rye is unrelenting in detailing the setbacks. The heartaches. The feeling of having the whole world against you. And the eventual feeling of indifference to it all. Bukowski tells his story in a brutally simple style. In short blunt sentences. This makes the novel sublime. #toughguybookclub #tgbc #bukowski #hamonrye #breakfast
Chinaski, on his first time getting drunk: “I thought, ‘Well, now I have found something, I have found something that is going to help me, for a long long time to come.‘”
Damn I loved this book. Bukowski was the master of the blunt short sentence 🤘🏽Sometimes you just have to write what you mean.
"I was just a 50-cent turd floating around in the green ocean of life."
This was my first #Bukowski and I enjoyed the hell out of it. The semi-autobiographical Hank Chinaski is kind of an asshole. He's crude, brutal, and cynical, yet oddly endearing. He fights, he drinks (A LOT), he devours great literature. I need more, please!
#Factotum is on deck.
I'm dropping these off at the little free library at work today, so hopefully there can be #someoneelsereading soon! My bookshelf now has a little more room for those BOTM books I can't seem to resist! #fallintobooks
I don't usually plan a monthly #TBR, but I know for sure I'll finish four I still have in progress from August. More "rye" than usual. ? #HamOnRye #TheCatcherInTheRye #Cherry #LabGirl
Probably not the first person to think of when you think of #workaholics but he was a prolific writer writing thousands of poems and writing every night #jubilantjuly
Hitler was acting up in Europe and creating jobs for the unemployed.
Catching up from a few days ago... I can't decide between the paisley leotard or the smoking Buddha...
#MarchIntoReading #crazycovers
DAY 19: #greatdedication #riotgrams #TBR
Coming soon from the Prototype Press, a fine small press edition. Hope ti get my paws on it!
Something had happened. The bath towels knew it, the bathtub and the toilet knew it. My father turned and walked out the door. He knew it. It was my last beating. From him.
the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.
I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the mad were often allowed to mingle freely.
What a weary time those years were -- to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability.
I work in Japan and thought it would be funny to use this quote in one of our conversations (I don't know how the topic came up. It just kinda happened.) and it unfortunately didn't translate well so now my coworkers think I'm gross. #ThanksBukowski #quotes #internationalfail #Japan #travel
new book by a straight white male!!! will it be sexist?? probably!! will it be so well-written that i can't help but like it??? also probably!!!
I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.
DNF Audio I gave it 10% and could not finish it. Wasn't my thing. I enjoyed Clockwork Orange far better and it was too similar not to make the comparison. Shame
My sister sent me some birthday books! I love what other people pick out for me. Plus the sister peoples!
The story of a pessimistic outcast going through his early years. Very easy read, pretty entertaining at parts, a lot of interesting insight as to how he views the world based on his personal struggles. Probably read the two follow ups at some point.
The problem was you had to keep choosing between one evil or another, and no matter what you chose, they sliced a little more off you, until there was nothing left. At the age of 25 most people were finished.
So, that's what they wanted: lies. Beautiful lies. That's what they needed. People were fools.