Hitler was acting up in Europe and creating jobs for the unemployed.
Hitler was acting up in Europe and creating jobs for the unemployed.
The price of getting what you want, is getting what you once wanted.
Mad ❤️ for this.
One of the best read at the present.
Adding into my bucket list is to meet Paul Beatty irl! 😌
The plot is good, but I expected more from the writing.
On the other hand, it made me appreciate the film more.
(Yup, on my left)
A good read nonetheless. 🙂
"Cunt put his hand on me in the picture like a fucking pet"
Amusing to me as Dr Bloom was surprised to see Graham putting his hand on his shoulder and the word used in that scene was "comradely".
A year of first.
My first Margaret Atwood novel (The handmaid's Tale which I've just read recently & is absolutely brilliant)
Owning my very first graphic novel. (Also written by Margaret Atwood, which is also her first? hehehe)
Anyone here wrap their books after they are done reading or is it just me? 🤔
Doesn't it look like a scene from H2G2?
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Universe as we know it has now been in existence for over one hundred and seventy thousand million billion years and will be ending in a little over half an hour. So, welcome one and all to Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!"
Oh boy, is this Michio Kaku making a reference to H2G2? ? I'm pretty sure it is!!
@todd @jeff
??♂️ #H2G2 #michiokaku
"Inability to feel."
Reminds me of Stephen Leather's "Nightmare" I've read years ago.
Gosling had a deal with Frimost, he traded a soul in exchange for power over women.
The devil gave him tools to get any woman he wanted but took away the passion. Sex became a mechanical function, nothing more.
Tldr: Sex =/= love making
This is just sad ?
#feels #jacknightingale #stephenleather
Halfway through the book 📚 omg anyone out there with me?
When you mix around with an asshole, got fucked up, lost control of yourself and hurting someone you love.
Let's say goodbye to the friendship that should last.
#truestory #saynotodrugsyo
If you are looking for something funny to read, here.
Anything worth living for is worth dying for.
Makes living worthwhile.