We had quite a mixture of places and genres for our Travel/World reading theme this month for #LitsyATXReadersSociety. Almost everyone read multiple books, so I guess this was a popular theme! What a terrific discussion, I very much enjoyed it!
We had quite a mixture of places and genres for our Travel/World reading theme this month for #LitsyATXReadersSociety. Almost everyone read multiple books, so I guess this was a popular theme! What a terrific discussion, I very much enjoyed it!
It was hard to capture in a photo - but we travelled 25 miles on a single track lane, through mountains and skirting lochs, not seeing another car in order to visit Scotland‘s most remote bookshop! This is what holidays are made of! I 🖤 my husbands patience!!🤣
It‘s only day 1 of our Scottish break and we‘re already on bookshop number 2! #prelovedbooks
Next up for my #BackpackEurope trip is #Scotland, exciting!! Not sure I will get to see that much of the beautiful country considering the company I have chosen to hang with, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. We shall see..
Add “read all the books” to this shirt and that pretty much sums me up!💙🏴💙
I don‘t have much family, and the only place I‘ve ever felt truly at home was in Scotland. Alabama is a long way from the place I really consider my home. I‘d give anything to be there right now.💚(this pic was taken from the backside of the cottage we stayed in...)
I may have a slight #obsession (she admits while trying to hide the fact that this is only half her collection of books on the subject) 😆 #maybookflowers
I'm slightly obsessed with Scotland (this is a very small sampling of my books on the subject) so I'd be remiss if I didn't choose it as my #wishicouldbethere for #booktober