Enjoying the series so far. This time around Persephone is back and it fully explains how she didn't die. But she is back with a vengeance ! Artwork is still phenomenal and love the characters as well as the story line.
Enjoying the series so far. This time around Persephone is back and it fully explains how she didn't die. But she is back with a vengeance ! Artwork is still phenomenal and love the characters as well as the story line.
GN Challenge: 8/366
Well volume 4 was a complete 180 from volume 3. The story was cohesive and for the first time in the series I finally felt like I knew what was going on. Yay! Hopefully the next volume can keep up this pace.
#graphicnovel #graphicnovels #comics #libraryread
Generally I‘m of the view that it shouldn‘t take 4 volumes to be able to determine what‘s going on, but the art and goof idea kept me coming back, and I‘m glad it did. I‘m finally getting the story!
Laura (Persephone) is back! Yay!
We finally find out what the hell is going on. Sort of.
Great addition to the story, amazing art as usual!🤷🏻♀️📚🎨
Oh yessss! Laura is back and SO badass! Excited to see what happens now after that ending!
Again, five stars out of five for this one. It is much more linear in its storytelling than Vol. 3. No sleep for me tonight; have to finish Vol. 5 next.
This panel made me laugh. 😂 I just ordered volume 5. I can't wait to see where this series goes.
I feel like this volume finally answered many of the questions that I had, but created so many more. I still really enjoyed it.
Book 3 for #readathon gets to the graphic novel section of the day. I freaking love this series so much.
And yes, that's coffee in a Ninja turtles mug.
Finally got the fourth volume of this series! ❤️
not one of my favorite graphic novel series, but I like the art, the story is pretty interesting (though I do wish more things were explained better), & they are pretty quick reads
So good when is Vol 5 going to be here????
Volume 4 is right back on track. This one has loads of action and carries the story forward at a exciting pace. Really intrigued to see how this carries on after this volume. I'd say keep on reading
I went to Target and B&N today to get supplies for my 2017 bullet journal. I was inspired by online videos and a Book Riot post to track my year in a bullet journal-like style.
Since I was already at B&N, I browsed for a bit and picked up The Wicked + The Divine vol. 4. When I got home, the Cthulhu Dorbz I ordered was waiting for me on my doorstep! It's been a pretty great day of book browsing, stationary, and elder gods. 😄
#bujo #bulletjournal
Oh Persephone 🔥🔥🔥(Literally). This volume is perfection. I just love it all.
One day we'll talk about how well these authors do the portrayals of gods from many different myths. But I'm out of spoons for today. It's good. Go read it.
*Do not gift it to your kiddies.
It's so good! I want to post panels, but it's spoilery. I love this comic so much. It's everything.
Is that who I think it is? Hey Laura, girl! Where ya been?
Lunchtime reading. This one was so much better than volume 3. I'm really glad I didn't give up on the series like I was thinking.
Homemade pizza and reading by the light of the Christmas tree. 🎄📚🍕
This art is so amazing. It's impossible to look away.
Thank goodness Jamie McKelvie is back following the guest artists in volume 3. Felt a little as if I was thrown back into the Universe without preparation but it's all go in this issue. Perhaps a little high tempo the whole time. Still loved it though.
Book 3 after taking a sleep break. I love this series so hard! Lots goes down in this volume...LOTS. It's subtitled RISING ACTION, and it lives up to it's name. #readathon #wicdiv
Taking a quick break from All Hallows' Reading for this puppy. I have waited dutifully for volume four and it is finally in my hands, a week later than I'd hoped! Let's hope that Gillen doesn't try to kill me with another savage cliffhanger.
A lot more action-packed in this volume. It felt like things were finally moving forward. As always the art is super fun.
But which book best suits my current state of procrastination? PS also have The Guineveres on Kindle. Decisions are hard.🤔📚