I'm ready for the July meeting of Romance Book Club.
This was a historical romance with a murder mystery thrown in!
If Lord Ian MacKenzie were alive today, he'd be labeled autistic - not "mad."
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I'm ready for the July meeting of Romance Book Club.
This was a historical romance with a murder mystery thrown in!
If Lord Ian MacKenzie were alive today, he'd be labeled autistic - not "mad."
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Just started this one.
This book kept me on the edge of my seat. Some nights I had to force myself to put it down so that I could finally go to sleep. I agree with other reviewers that Ian obviously had Asperger's, but no one knew what that was back in 1881. If you are looking for a fast read that will be extremely difficult to put down, I would highly recommend this book.
I did not want to stop reading this one. I stayed up way too late to finish it. It was a great story about a man who clearly has Asperger's (that's the mad part, because Victorian England) and a lower class woman who unexpectedly came into money. I'm definitely going to continue with this series.
#BookishBingo: A book by an author you've never read
#Pop20: Book with a title that caught your attention
Thanks to @Centique for the recommendation. Loved this historical #romantsy novel- Lord Ian is not mad but he is fabulous and handsome and atypical. Beth is a wealthy widow about to marry the wrong man, Lord Ian to the rescue? Or is it Beth to the rescue? Lots of heat 🔥👍👍. By the way does anyone know how to show the book cover on a Kindle Paperwhite?
This book felt really dated in some ways, and I didn't love the heroine. She wasn't salty enough for an East End girl. Also can we please never use the word damp in romance novels? Errrrghhhhh. Loved the hero and the Mackenzie brothers, though.
A quick read, as much mystery as romance, with an interesting twist. The title character‘s “madness” sounds an awful lot like symptoms of Aspbergers‘s. I suppose such behavior would have been considered madness in the 19th century. It adds an interesting element to a well crafted story. Thanks to @theresidentromantic for including this in my #cupidgoespostal gifts.
I am still fighting the remnants of the crud that has had me in its grip for two weeks now. I haven‘t had a lot of energy, and I haven‘t picked up a book for the last 3 days, so you know I don‘t feel good 😊 In our happy retirement schedule, Monday is project day. Hubby and I decided our project for the day is to take care of ourselves, since he‘s still fighting it, too. Tea, saline sprays and books - order of the day.
2. Amy and Rory Pond
3. Lilly's in general
4. Scheffenberger dark with nibbles
5. Red
This is one of my all time favorite books. If you're like romance at all this is a must read! But I really have to recommend the Audiobook first and foremost. Angela Dawe does a much better masculine voice than any woman I've ever heard. I think I'm more attached to that voice than some real men!
The #summerofromance continues with an ebook even though I have 50 paperbacks on my romance shelf.. I might be misremembering, but I think I've heard this is a goodie? -#romantsy
Stayed up late to finish this one and I don't regret a thing! Not only was it a great read, but it was so refreshing to have a hero who wasn't perfect. I'll definitely be reading the rest of the books in the series
I loved this book. You have a hero who is different from most which makes this a very refreshing read.
Finally read this after owning it for a jillion years. LOVED! (And am now binge-reading the whole series.) #romantsy
The first book in Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie/McBride series, it is IMO also the best. I LOVED Ian's story and Ian. If you haven't read Jennifer Ashley's books I would suggest you start here. ❤
Surprise #bookmail is the best kind of book mail! I completely forgot that I won a Book Riot giveaway back at the beginning of the summer, until this delightful package arrived from Penguin Random House today! I'm somewhat of a romance newbie, but I'm excited to give these a try! Have you read any of these? Which should I dive into first?
Well this was interesting. I heard about this from listening to a @bookriot podcast and was intrigued by a romance where one of the protagonists is on the autism spectrum. So when I saw it on sale on Kindle in July I went for it. I could have done without the hero's possessiveness. And the whole "Let's keep everything a secret from the heroine to keep the mystery going." But other than that I enjoyed the characters and the story.
My third #biblioweekend pick is what I meant to read during the 24in48 readathon but didn't get a chance to. Hopefully I'll get to finish it in good time.
When Bookbub lets you know a book on your 'want to read' list is on sale!
I was too drawn in during my morning to coffee to stop before finishing this one. I loved both Beth and Ian, they were wonderful and complicated. I especially loved the mystery elements that took over the second half of the book. This will be a beloved favorite to reread.
Kindle deal means I found some new bedtime reading.
When you just meant to read a few chapters but the next thing you know you've finished the book, it's 1am and you're going to need ALL THE COFFEE at work tomorrow.
I loved this romance! Officially added to the list of great heroines who aren't just waiting around for some guy to save them.
Loving this romance on audio...it will hopefully keep me motivated to do housework this weekend 🤗
Just as good as I'd expected, based on all the reviews I'd read. Fascinating characters and interesting plot, in addition to the romance element. Led me to pick up the next three in the series!