Last week‘s reading stats
I gave this 3.5 stars. I didn‘t dislike it I just didn‘t love it. I wanted a little more character development. I am excited for the show because I think it will make a great show. I‘m going to read the next one and see if I like that one more.
Currently reading #ShadowAndBone hoping to finish it tonight. I‘m enjoying it so far.
I loved this Beauty and the Beast retelling. It was fast paced and engaging. Had wonderful characters and a great plot.
When you kid likes graphic novels you buy her graphic novels. #raisingareader #graphicnovels
I‘m going to try and finish this up today. I am enjoying it just got distracted this week!
Here are all the books I read in July!
This has to be my favorite book of the summer! It is a middle grades book that deals with today‘s issues in such a fantastic way. You have got to get this for your tweens! #teacherlife #middlegrades #books
Reading this today. Trying to finish it up. #teacherlife
Such a good book!!!
Next PD read! Starting this book today. #teacherlife #summerreads
Enjoyed this book! But it‘s really geared towards elementary school. I‘m looking for ideas from middle school and high school teachers!! How do you organize your classroom library! #whatdoesyourclassroomlibrarylooklike #teacherlife #classroomlibrary #weneeddiversebooks
This book was fantastic!! Great middle grades book. If your looking for a great graphic novel to read this summer this is a great one. #projectLITbookclub #teacherlife
This is a great middle grades read! It was a fun read and incorporates science! #reading #teacherlife #middlegradea #sunshinestatereadinglist
Am going to start this today. Was going to save it for summer.. but I have a few teacher books lined up! And it fits in one of my new book sleeves #teacherlife #readingchallenge #alwaysreading
This book was great!!! I highly recommend to anyone looking for a mystery with a ghost story entwined. Very good writing! I couldn‘t put it down.
Found this is my School‘s media center. Once I read the flap I had to read it!!
This is a cute picture book. It is about a very very very long dog who lives in a bookstore. Whenever he goes for a walk he looses track of his backside and makes mayhem. It had cute illustrations and is a good book for little kids. I received a free copy from netgalley exchange for a review. #netgalley #arc #bookreview #teacherlife
This is one of my favorites! I've read it so much the book is starting to fall apart.
Such a great middle grades book! It was fast paced and super interesting.
This is the third book in Lisa Kleypas's Ravenels series. This is my favorite book in the series so far!!!
I accidentally started this series out of order. But it was fine. I really enjoyed this book!! #romancereader #bookblogger
Catching up on my Netgalley arcs!!! #netgalley #romance #hurricanereading
I really enjoyed the first 2/3 of this book. It was fantastic. The last third felt out of place and a bit long. But worth reading. #netgalley #romance
This was pretty good. I liked the art and the story was interesting.
Started this audiobook today! Super excited!! #nonfiction #audible #teacherlife #readingchallenge
Very cute story and really great illustrations. Great story with a strong female protagonist! #teacherlife #graphicnovel #readingchallenge
Seeing if I can finish this tonight!! #netgalley
This was such a great book!!! Now I need to wait for the next one!