Both Gatsby and Ozzie are my lap buddies as I dig into this one.
Both Gatsby and Ozzie are my lap buddies as I dig into this one.
I enjoyed this. Nice cosy mystery and I totally read it in an Irish accent!
Today's photo in the #booksnbooze series is 'Holding' with a cloudy cider. Nothing hits the spot on a hot day like a pint of cider 🍻
Despite a body being found during the first chapter, the first part of the book feels a bit slow. Then it picks up and you start connecting with the characters and the story and you can't really put it down.A murder, a love triangle that keeps repeating itself and a the deep loneliness felt by many characters that are unsure what happened to their lives. A good debut novel that shows that Graham Norton can be very serious and equally entertaining.
The dialog in the first pages reminded me of some scenes in Father Ted and I thought that I am going to enjoy this book. The storyline then became more serious and I settled in to a cosy read with lovely characters in a village that was portraid as a nice place to live. It was well written and thoroughly enjoyable and a pleasure to read this police procedural novel that has a satisfying ending.
This stack are of all the books I've read this year so far (not included is an ebook). I'm currently reading my 18th book for the year 😄 Despite starting full time study in February and sometimes not even reading on weekends, I'm actually doing better than this time last year in my reading progress! That's a win haha 👌
#bookworm #books #bookstack #booklover
Just finished my first book of 2019 (started it this morning and took advantage of my pyjamas and duvet day whilst recovering from the excesses of last night) and what a pleasure it was to read. Even better than I had anticipated. I found myself really invested in all the characters because off the authenticity, gentle humour and sympathy of the writing. Will definitely read his newest one at some point this year. Happy New Year all 📚
Lazy Sunday reading. Beautiful cover and love the Irish way of speaking ☘️
Sunday mornings = audiobook and coffee. I enjoyed this book, it was not too heavy for a mystery which I appreciate sometimes. I also love when audiobooks are read by the author. It feels so personal.
I wanted to love this, but almost bailed halfway through. Too much small town drama, miserable people with miserable lives, and I found it difficult to care about them or the mystery of the bones found at the building site. There‘s nothing technically wrong with the novel, it just wasn‘t for me. I fear I may be headed for a reading slump.
My company Christmas party is tonight. I‘m currently borrowing a company truck while my car is being repaired, it‘ll be dark, the roads are wet and will be icy when I leave the party. Oh, and it‘s really cold outside. It‘s okay to stay home and read instead, right, rather than freezing my behind off in a cocktail dress, driving a truck that is so much bigger than my car and lacking gps or heated seats? 😱
After the last book I reviewed, I feel like I need to read a serious tome to reestablish my literary credibility. Instead of that, though, I‘m going to read the book I checked out from the library last week. 😉 #moodreader
I‘ve watched Graham Norton for years on BBC America and how his show has evolved (it was very crass in the beginning). The man has hidden depths, I may have to read his memoirs. The story is well written and moves quickly.
My #TBR for December consists of finishing the books I started in November, my annual reread (and/or listen) of A Christmas Carol, catch-up for #agathachristieclub, and my library holds that just came in. The tagged book is my most #AnticipatedDecemberRead and I would like to say #thank you to Litsy for blowing up my TBR as many of the books here are #blameitonlitsy picks.
#decinbooks17 #reindeerreads #decdays
I am thoroughly enjoying it thus far. I cant wait to find out who was buried up on the old farm. This book is really something. It is one heck of a read set in Ireland.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Graham Norton's debut novel is brilliant. When a body is discovered in the fictional town of Duneen, rural Cork, ghosts, loves and losses of the past are pulled to the surface. It's a charming novel with just the right amount of darkness and heartache. Despite being written by a comic, it's not particularly funny - there is a subtle wit scattered throughout the novel.
#booktube #bookbloggers
Flight book and snack. Six chapters in and I really liked. #books #bookbloggers #booktube
#TBRtemptation post 9! The remote Irish village of Duneen has known little drama. Then the remains of Tommy Burke are discovered on a farm. This is Sergeant PJ Collins' first genuine case ever, and 2 of the suspects are 2 of Tommy's former lovers: Brid, alcoholic mother of 2, and depressed Evelyn. As PJ works the case, secrets in the community begin to come out: animosities, resentments, and the like. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
Holding is an awesome debut novel from @grahnort @AtriaBooks 4🌟https://jilljemmett.com/2017/08/24/holding/ #bookblog #review #debut
Dark, funny, deeply moving. Holding is a special debut from a man that clearly has a lot of depth. While the mystery element should appeal to fans of the traditional English (in this case, Irish) style, there is a disturbing undercurrent that pushes this book to the edges of the genre. These are not cuddly/quirky characters. They are unattractively flawed with most carrying dark secrets over decades that have poisoned them. Exceptional.
Decent mystery, although a little more on the cozy side of things than I typically like. Not going to lie, though -- the setting of a small Irish village was a big draw for me.
I enjoyed this book.
It felt like a bit of a cozy mystery with swearing and with some characters I'd like to meet again in the future.
Lovely so far.
Graham Norton is so wise and witty on the TV and radio so that's not surprising.
Great idea, @maich !
1. Illinois, but now living in Northern Ireland
2. Hums nervously to self... like picking a favourite pet
3. 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith
4. The Force Awakens (I have a 7 year-old. We are ALL about Star Wars at the mo.)
5. Sherlock
6. U2
7. Green! 💚
8. Humming nervously again
9. I would work but chronic fatigue sucks.
10. 2 kitties and 2 disabled butterflies 😻😻🦋🦋
Don't we all, Brian.
(From the Angry People in Local Newspapers Facebook page.)
You won't have to "hold" anything at all with this gadget! ?
(From the Bookstr page on Facebook.)
Not sharing a quote, but showing that I do read in places that are not my bed or the staff room at work... this afternoon is the first of my week off and it's glorious☀️The sunshine, the paddling pool, two happy girls and my book... just what the dr ordered!
Starting this over lunchtime at work. Am looking forward to this as I love Graham Norton on his chat show and hosting Eurovision, but I think this'll be gentler than his tv style.