This was a bit tough to read, but was ultimately well researched and well written.
This was a bit tough to read, but was ultimately well researched and well written.
Super cute and fluffy read- much welcomed after a few darker and tougher books.
I loved One of Us is Lying! Couldn't put it down and thought the twist at the end was great. I'm also officially halfway through my #2018ReadingChallenge 🙌🏼
I loved this book! It gave me all of the warm and fuzzy feelings while I was reading it. Also, this was the first book I read on my new Kindle Voyage! 😍 #beachreads #femalefriendsarethebest
"We carried signs calling them terrorists and criminals and we vandalized the homes that would take them in. It made me feel good to do it, it made me feel rooted; their unbelonging was proof of my belonging." Finished a tough but good book with the most stunning view now that I'm back home in Michigan.
"A woman wins when she feels that what each woman does with her own body is her own business." Feeling so grateful for this book and the brilliance of Gloria Steinem. I did a bit of reading and learning in my favorite spot today, but it's almost like I never want this book to end ??? #feminist #beachread #poolside
This one took me a while to finish. I wanted to love it but ended up feeling "meh" about it. I felt the protagonist was a bit immature and there were a few typically mysoginistic moments. #romantsy #audiobook
Ready to give one of my favorites another listen. This series is one of my comfort series and just like comfort foods I always end up coming back... 🎧😍 #audiobook #favorites
"Love is essential; gregariousness is optional. "
What a fascinating read! I saw myself in so many pages of this book and it will definitely affect the way I teach and interact with others from now on.
"You can't lose old and negative ways of thinking until new and positive ones replace them."
How loudly can I yell about this book until I get everyone I know to read it? I'm only about halfway done and I swear Gloria Steinem is changing my life. ?? #feminist #selflove #selfesteem