What a lovely, beautiful book! I had a big smile when I finished!
What a lovely, beautiful book! I had a big smile when I finished!
I‘m enjoying this one. Definitely not something I would have found if I didn‘t need “a non-violent true crime” for the read harder book challenge
Book 3 in this trilogy. Artemis/Selene survives the attempt on her life and is hunting down the Mithrithan cult that attacked her family and kidnapped Zeus. Theo, thinking she‘s dead, is trying to find the cult through his research. This is a satisfying thick book and I can‘t wait to sink into it.
An excellent addition to the series with build up to the next book - love this series!
Loved! Loved this modern Muslim retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in Toronto.
Definitely Bridget Jones in the White House. Entertaining and she got my nerves by the end but an interesting view from the sidelines.
Labelled as YA, it‘s more new adult since the two MC‘s are in college. Slow burn romance as each of them are dealing with their own troubles and issues and they become friends first. And though I had to ask my niece what some of the acronyms meant, I enjoyed this quick read.
Loved this book of essays about crafting particularly for knitters and crocheters.
Borrowed this one from a friend and what a hoot! Especially since while researching the book, he brought his family along with him - his wife and his 10yr old & 4yr old sons!
Read Harder Challenge: A classic of genre fiction
And some supplemental reading afterwards.
Above are some retellings of #belovedcharacters stories that i have enjoyed.
Love this new series by Armstrong because it is set in a town in the middle of the #wilderness
People here are either trying to recover from crimes committed against them or escape from the crimes they have committed.
I started reading her in high school and I‘m still reading her. She definitely qualifies as one of my #favoriteauthor
Recommended by my niece and as I am seeing her this weekend - I need to get started!
A fun, light Victorian adventure for a Sunday afternoon.
Early morning Costco buy.
My IRL book pick for March. Really enjoying it so far!
I‘m not at home right now but this is one book from my tbr shelf for March
My IRL book club February pick. It was a re-read for me so it was excellent! We had a good discussion.
I‘m so excited!!!
My library haul from yesterday. Though I‘m still deep in my Lackberg mystery series.
And my series reading of Lackberg continues. She definitely has a formula and children are always involved (trigger warning) but I can‘t seem to stop. I like the glimpses into the detectives lives outside of the case.
A book of genre fiction in translation
This one is in the middle of the series but still enjoyable especially if you like more information on the personal lives of the detectives along with the mystery.
I always forget to take a pic at the table! This is my IRL book club pick for January. Everyone loved the book with minor quibbles - it‘s so rare that we all like the same book! (There are 6 of us)
Audiobook at work
I like when the author performs their own book - Fisher is wonderful to listen to and I liked that her daughter read the actual diary excerpts.
A quick fun read - loved the development of the romance in this one.
#readharder2018 - a book published posthumously
This book lives up to the hype. A well written examination of Kalanithi‘s journey from his search for understanding death in his literature and medical studies to his own experiences with a fatal diagnosis. It‘s about not giving up on life even when you are facing death. Very well done.
Loved the art - the amount of work that went into this - beautiful! Loved the story - first love - family issues - so well done.
#readharder2018 A comic written or illustrated by a person of colour
Thank you #jilljemmett! Your package arrived before Christmas but I was out of town and only picked it up today! What a nice surprise!
What‘s not shown is the next #canuckswithbooks
#canadagoespostal pick and it looks interesting!