Book haul from recent trip to India
Book haul from recent trip to India
A delightful prequel to Peter Pan told from the view of Lost Boy Jamie, who will grow up to be Captain Hook. It's dark and disturbing and sad but also true to the source and adds a littler more magic to the Neverland story.
Nerds gonna nerd. Currently prepping for three different classes. 2 sections of ethical and legal issues in the arts plus a controversy in the arts seminar.
Manifesto of magazine The Masses. Written by activist John Reed. Page 4.
I'm so excited to read this. So. Excited. Art nerds unite 💙🤓🖼
"... anyone who thinks one book has all the answers hasn't read enough books."
"[E]ven if rigid adherence to an artistic canon within a specific culture is justifiable, the co-existence of so many cultures within our society makes an industry-wide focus on one (or even a small handful) problematic for the future of that industry."
Participatory Culture and the Arts, Doug Borwick and David Dombrosky, p.177
I am a fan of Simon's work. While she writes mostly about museums, her work and thoughts apply equally across the arts and across ther nonprofit sector. This book is very conversational, filled with stories and imagery and ideas, but it's also very engrossing and grabbed me from the beginning. I recommend it to anyone who is thinking about inclusion and community and the dreaded it-word "relevance."
"At its heart, building relevance is about living in the creative tension between evangelizing for the things you care about and listening with interest to what others care about. It's about radiating the inside out, and inviting the outside in."
I'm really enjoying this. I haven't read many comic adaptations of novels, but wow, this is really well done so far.
Anyone who knows me, knows anything Alice/Carroll/Dodgson is gonna grab my attention. So when I saw this, I had to share! @Schnoebs #CSGiveaway
"I am using my anger as a springboard, laughter my weapon of choice in this battle. If the police want to use this manga to further wear me down, I will hold my drafting pen with this hand even harder."
- Rokudenashiko
I believe it!
This got lost in my pile of library books, and I forgot I had it. Excited to dig in.
Thanks @PirateJenny !
1. Count of Monte Cristo - I loved Three Musketeers, but couldn't get in to the Count
2. Tea and crackers
3. It's an autobiography, but I really love With Nails: The Film Diaries of Richard E. Grant
4. I don't really know anyone on here yet, so random tag to @Eggs if you'd like to play