Finally got around to this dark faerie sequel. I enjoyed it and look forward to Queen of Nothing.
Finally got around to this dark faerie sequel. I enjoyed it and look forward to Queen of Nothing.
LOVE! Jane Harper‘s atmospheric writing is enhanced by Steve Shanahan‘s excellent Aussie vocals. I loved this story, and I‘ll read anything that she writes. New Jane Harper audiobooks have been something I‘ve looked forward to since discovering The Dry. 😊
One of those days where 15 minutes with my book is the only thing keeping me sane 😅
I don‘t know how I didn‘t notice that Jane Harper had a new book, but I had to check it out immediately! I‘ve done all of these on audio because Steve Shanahan is incredible, they‘re such a nice experience. It took me about 28%, but I‘m dying to know what happened!
I‘ve read so much fantasy this year! I can‘t say I regret it. I traded this series with a coworker for one of my own, and read The Tower of Babel at the same time as Red Rising.
I loved them both differently — this one is great escapism, with a surprisingly deep message. The descriptive writing and complex characters leave the reader wanting to know the end, and the endings leave the reader with no idea what‘s going to happen in the next one.
Made a VERY exciting purchase before date night🤩. I know what I‘m doing after!
I‘m a public defender and I bring my book to court for an occasional mental health break between appearances. This chapter intro really spoke to my day/life😂
Only people who go to bed early believe in happy endings. We night owls understand that happiness does not dwell in finales. It resides in anticipation, in revelry, and in worn-out welcomes. Endings are always sad.
Then he heard a voice that transported him as readily as a bookmark to another place and time.
I paused The Books of Babel to read Red Rising. I couldn‘t put RR down until I finished the 4th book, but I went back to TBoB as soon as I finished. Interesting coincidence that Pierce Brown recommended the first book in this trilogy!
10% in and I‘m loving this beautiful book so far! Author is incredible, audio is great, knowledge gained is immense 👌🏼
I haven‘t been able to put Red Rising down since I started reading the first trilogy, and now I have a little break before book #5. For the first time in the series, I need a break. This one ends on a weird note.
As a whole, I love this series. It‘s really unique and the characters are excellent. The world just keeps getting bigger and more detailed.
Thoughts on this, Litsy?😂😂. It‘s apparently pretty affordable on Amazon!
I love this series! It reads quickly because it‘s so addictive but it doesn‘t lack complex plot, interesting characters, or vivid descriptions.
Yes, it was tragic and chancy, but so was sitting on your hands and wishing for a long life.
When he looked up, Edith could see how battered by guilt and exhausted he was. And like a flush runs up the neck and floods the head, she recalled how it felt to be his age, what it was like to live for ill-fitting obligations.
I‘m a huge Leigh Bardugo fan (and confirmed Slytherin) so I‘m really stoked about winning this leather bookmark — it‘s going to look great in my current read 😊
(Also, I can‘t wait for Ninth House to come out!)
Having a nice Caturday in our yard❤️
He had never seen so many books outside of a college library, and it made him a little hopeful.
I can‘t explain how much I loved this trilogy!!! I can‘t wait to read the next trilogy - ❤️!
Who else loves Red Rising? These are some of the best characters I‘ve had the joy to read. What an experience.
Nothing better than finishing the second book in a series and coming home to the third in your mailbox!😄
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. This series is incredible. I liked Golden Son even better than Red Rising. The story is so complex, as soon as you understand the rules it evolves. I‘m devouring these.
Darrow is the best protagonist I‘ve met in a long while. I love him. Red Rising is tough in a way that authors usually shy away from. I came into this 100% blind and bought the ebook because of positive reviews. As soon as I finish writing this I‘m getting the rest of the series. Pretty sure this will be on my favorite series ever list.
Did some work at the Louisville friends of the library book sale today! Whole stack only $17.50😎
A coworker lent me Senlin Ascends because of our mutual love of fantasy lit.
This was really a strange book, but I enjoyed it. I couldn‘t put it down because I needed to know whether Senlin found his quarry. The character development was great and, surprisingly, I loved the handling of the female characters.
This is an adventure/fantasy/mindf*** of a book, and I‘d highly recommend it.
I‘m glad your self-righteousness has given you some exercise, but you forget: We are not such a tidy, reasonable, and humane race. Our thoughts don‘t stand in grammatical rows, our hearts don‘t draw equations, our consciences don‘t have the benefit of historians whispering the answers to us. Oh, stuff your outrage!
He believed true love was more like an education: It was deep and subtle and never complete.
Finished Fire & Blood before the GOT finale tonight ... I loved the first half of the Targaryen history and the tie-ins to ASOIAF. Must-read for ASOIAF enthusiasts. ⚔️
Finished this great book on this lovely Sunday morning with my kitty, a delicious coffee, and my sweet boyfriend who made it for me while watching The Office in the background. I read an article about the incredible mystery of the Russian Dyatlov Pass Incident recently, which referenced this book. I was intrigued and realized I already owned the ebook. The book is well-researched and has a satisfying ending. Would highly recommend.
I didn‘t know much about Alexander von Humboldt prior to this read but I was awed by his understanding of the interconnectedness of living things — inspiring Darwin, Thoreau, Goethe, and the modern understanding of life. The book describes Humboldt‘s impact on science as so great that he‘s lost to general science education — he created an idea so commonplace that no one asks who thought of it. And that idea was nature. Very cool book.
I‘m 550 pages into Fire & Blood and feeling a bit sad today because I think GOT is about to kill my favorite character. (The fact that this episode hits on Mother‘s Day is a harbinger of doom in my opinion.) I‘m caught up in this beautiful Targaryen history and will definitely be cheering for some #fireandblood tonight 🖤❤️
VERY excited about this box. The tagged book looks incredible and I‘ve been wanting The Library Book since I read some great reviews!
I had to share these!! I‘m certainly not purchasing them because they‘re $469, but look at these beautiful leather bound custom ASOIAF book jackets available on Etsy😧. I am feeling GOT fever right now and was looking for a set online because I only own the ebooks, but I‘ll have to admire these from afar😂
The latest installment in the Grishaverse is a little darker and a lot more developed. Zoya and Nina become iconic in King of Scars, I just loved reading their chapters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“She wished the girl she‘d been could have lived this.”
Huh. Definitely a thought I‘ve had.
In Nikolai‘s experience, honesty was much like herbal tea—something well-meaning people recommended when they were out of better options.
There was no state-run prosecution service. Instead, all cases had to be brought privately, making it a simple matter for feuds to find a vent in the courts. The prosecution of a rival might well prove a knockout blow. Officially the penalty for a defendant found guilty of a serious crime was death. In practice, because the Republic had no police force or prison system, a condemned man would be permitted to slip away into exile...
I love to read multiple books at one, usually fiction at home and a nice nonfiction to carry around at work.
Now that I finished with my Romanov book, it‘s back to Rome between court appearances. Back in time but people are still getting murdered for no damn reason.
Update: just purchased paperbacks of the Rappaport book I just read, two others, and the tagged book. I‘m stuck on this little slice of history and I need more!
The Romanovs are one of those subjects that you know isn‘t going to end well. I picked this book up to learn more about the doomed sisters and ended up loving them a little too much and hoping for an ending I knew to be impossible. Excellent book, I‘ll be reading Rappaport‘s entire Romanov collection. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (In order: Olga, Tatiana, Anastasia, Marie)
Had a nice breakfast with my boyfriend before a quick stop to pick up just “one book” at our lovely little Carmichael‘s in Louisville. I‘ve been dying to get Priory but I couldn‘t resist Fire & Blood! 🔥🐉
Has anyone read this?? I read the first 27% of this roughly 500 page book in two sittings.
Rappaport pulls back the veil on the famously private Romanovs in a tender and engaging way. I felt slightly uncomfortable when I realized that Alexandra likely wouldn‘t want me to know these things, and simultaneously realized how effective the writing is. I‘m enamored with it.
(Full disclosure: I adore nonfiction and all things Russian history.)
I loved every other book by Mitchell but this one was a no go 🤷🏻♀️
Finally cracked this open tonight and really enjoyed returning to this world :)
This will go down as one of my all-time favorite #botm picks, and I definitely wouldn‘t be saying that if I bailed on it halfway through like I was tempted to.
It seems like a cheesy, unlikely mystery that I stuck with only because Ava is such a dynamic, realistic character. I cared what happened to her and by the end I was nearly in tears. Also, the writing is 👍🏼. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️