The final installment! Such a good series! 🛕
Come the Hod King!! The riveting adventure series continues in Book 3! I'm not going to reveal anything that happens, but needless to say, another page turner from Josiah Bancroft! Having read the first 3 books back to back, now the wait begins for Book #4...is it January 2021 yet??
Took a bit for me to get into this 3rd installment of the Books of Babel series. But once I did, I wasn't disappointed. Come The Hod King! Bring on Book #4!
I‘ve read so much fantasy this year! I can‘t say I regret it. I traded this series with a coworker for one of my own, and read The Tower of Babel at the same time as Red Rising.
I loved them both differently — this one is great escapism, with a surprisingly deep message. The descriptive writing and complex characters leave the reader wanting to know the end, and the endings leave the reader with no idea what‘s going to happen in the next one.
I‘m a public defender and I bring my book to court for an occasional mental health break between appearances. This chapter intro really spoke to my day/life😂
Only people who go to bed early believe in happy endings. We night owls understand that happiness does not dwell in finales. It resides in anticipation, in revelry, and in worn-out welcomes. Endings are always sad.
Then he heard a voice that transported him as readily as a bookmark to another place and time.
I paused The Books of Babel to read Red Rising. I couldn‘t put RR down until I finished the 4th book, but I went back to TBoB as soon as I finished. Interesting coincidence that Pierce Brown recommended the first book in this trilogy!
"Memory is not like a box of stationery--easy to browse, reorder, and read. No, memories accumulate like leaves upon the forest floor. They are irregular and fragile. They crumble and break upon inspection. They turn to soul the deeper you go."
How do authors come up with such heavy sentiments?
"The rich 'learn lessons.' The poor commit crimes. 'Mistakes'are generally considered a mark of the middle class."
I love this book series more than any before it. Harry Potter wasn't even this good.
When you stay up past 1 AM to read and your body wakes up at 5:30 because it thinks it is done sleeping. LOL
I read 119 pages though. Would have read more if I knew this precise thing wouldn't happen!
Quick bubble tea pit-stop (red bean flavor) in between getting my comics, going to the coffee shop and then going to work.
I dunno why, but I put the Hod King down halfway through awhile back. I guess I just wasn't feeling it. Now, after picking it back up, I'm addicted AF to it. It's definitely gonna be a 5 ⭐ read for me.
K, starting to rain now... Byyyyyyye!
I heard on the radio this afternoon that a recent survey found that 1 in 5 people are not able to recall a single author of any kind. They found that these people do not like reading because they find books difficult to understand.
I finally finished this behemoth of a book only to discover that there was going to be a 4th book! I cannot wait to read it especially when I have so many questions brewing in my brain.
Currently 174 pages into this book and stunned by the events of the first part. The Books of Babel series is finally breaking me out of my reading slump!
At a coffee shop and I'm starting the 3rd novel in The Books Of Babel series. I friggen loved the first 2 so I'm pretty jacked to get into this one! 🤘
The rich “learn lessons.” The poor commit crimes. “Mistakes” are generally considered a mark of the middle class.
“My sense of being, my identity, whatever you want to call it, it doesn‘t reside in my parts. It lives in my past, and in the continuity of my present thoughts, and in my hopes for the future. I‘m more afraid of losing a memory than a limb.”
I cannot express my love for this series enough! It is so good! The writing, the characters, the world-building, the plot, the inventiveness, the themes. The third book did not disappoint. It is just as good as the others, and I felt it really shined in the structure. I definitely recommend this hidden gem.
“But the heart is a cat; it does what it pleases.”
Ain‘t that the truth!