This is how I‘m getting in the Halloween spirit. I‘m new to the community but I‘ll let you all know that I adore Halloween and all things horror. I'll be starting off my October reads a tad bit late with Ibitsu!
This is how I‘m getting in the Halloween spirit. I‘m new to the community but I‘ll let you all know that I adore Halloween and all things horror. I'll be starting off my October reads a tad bit late with Ibitsu!
This book is filled to the brim with useless characters which made it an arduous read. It is unfathomable to think what the next books in the series will be about because there is nothing of interest left for the characters to do. Also, the twist of Victoria Baldwin being Maude‘s aunt is just deplorable Maude and the Baldwin‘s were already family this element was improbable and unnecessary.
The book is decent towards the climax it becomes confusing. Large amounts of information are thrown at the reader before the book ends and it became confusing and at points, it was just downright unbelievable. All the info that is thrown at the reader was unnecessary. Certain things could have been left open so the reader could find out more in the sequel. I will check out the sequel and other books from the author.