Updated my #winterbookbingo I feel like I am making good progress! The Passage was the book that‘s been on my TBR to long. I started it and set it aside for a long time, so this was a good time to finish it!
Updated my #winterbookbingo I feel like I am making good progress! The Passage was the book that‘s been on my TBR to long. I started it and set it aside for a long time, so this was a good time to finish it!
It took me a long time to eat into this book. I even had to set it aside for a few months because I wasn‘t getting into it. The firs bit is interesting, then it changes time periods with a whole new set of characters, then the second half picks up and it‘s more interesting. I am tempted to read the rest of the series but would be alright if I didn‘t. Neat idea and plot, but didn‘t keep me hooked.
Such a great 3rd book the the series but I am still wanting more! It was beautifully written and the characters are great!
It‘s been a while since I listened to the first one and it took me a while to transition from listening to reading the series but once I started reading the rest of it I couldn‘t stop! It is a great sequel and it deals with mental health and trauma on top of a myriad of ghosts and other paranormal things.
So I might have binged 2 books today and I‘m not even sorry! I am so glad I did! I also have 2 more things to check off my #winterbookbingo
Alright, chipping away at #winterbookbingo a little bit at a time!
This series is lots of fun so far! I have to get back to the library and check out the rest of the series that they have!
Got another #winterbookbingo book down! I will continue the series so I can knock out YA also!
I am a huge fan of YA and graphic novels! This series is adorable! The characters need a little more developing, but it‘s a whole series and I am looking forward to seeing these characters blossom into the hardcore lady types they will become!
I've been browsing Pinterest and I came across several “read around the world“ type things. https://taleaway.com/category/world-reading-challenge/ This website by far has the most extensive lists of different places around the world. This makes me hopeful that I can read around the world in 2020!
#winterbookbingo one book down!!
This book was charming! I really enjoyed the story of these two kids (kids when they met) and their friendship blossoming as they grew up. It was beautiful to read and reminds me of my trip to Rwanda where I spent 2 weeks in an orphanage there.
Working on my first square of my #winterbingo I just hope I have time to read 25 books before winter ends! Wish me luck!!
Beginning my bingo with a book with a white cover! It‘s mostly white and I‘m excited to start my little bingo challenge!! Hope a few of you join me! #winterbingo #winterreading #challenge #winterbreak
I‘m hosting a little winter bingo for the whole winter season! https://forms.gle/Mce7yFN3V7BGJsPD7 is the link to sign up! I will give away a little prize to a random person who completes the whole board as well as a smaller prize for someone who completes at least one bingo! I am excited to see what people chose to fit each box! One book per box!
I didn‘t know what to expect when starting this book! It was beautiful! I don‘t have enough words to describe everything that is this collection of poetry! I got it from my library‘s overdrive because it was one of few books available right now and I am glad I picked it out! It only took me a day!!
This was a great read! It‘s inspiring! It‘s also nice to be able to take some time and read! It‘s been a while since I have finished books or read this much in a day.
Reading and eating! This book is interesting! Jordan is the world record holder for the youngest person to climb all 7 summits of the world! It‘s very interesting! It‘s incredible to see the amount of determination in this kid and it‘s inspiring for me to do anything!
This was beautifully written and put together! It‘s a great real telling of what they don‘t talk about in history class.
Current reads because I am a hot mess and keep starting books! They are all great so far!! Also dipping into some non fiction is pretty cool! No Summit out of Sight and They Called us Enemy are nonfiction! Which is awesome!
Doing some housework wondering why the road seems so noisy and then I found Santa! In the Christmas spirit I suppose
Hey guys!! I made up a little book bingo for this winter! Please feel free to join me on tho bingo adventure! https://forms.gle/Mce7yFN3V7BGJsPD7 I will do a little giveaway at the end, so if you are interested please complete the form! #bookbingo #winterbookbingo
A lovely #litsylove #winterswap gift!!! I am excited to have some time to read!! Thank you @Slajaunie
#bfcr4 #gobletoffitness met my step goal this week thanks to a Disney trip! But did not read at all... also because Disney! @wanderinglynn
So I‘ve decided to write a graphic novel. I‘ve been feeling inspired and I want to dive in... slowly because it‘s a slow process!
Finished this this weekend. My coworker recommended it. I did enjoy it but it didn‘t really wow me. It‘s not a bad book and does touch in some tough stuff for a 9th grader to be going through.
Been working on a few books but haven‘t finished one in a while, total I‘m 4 books finished out of my goal of 6. The gym has been hard, but I have been getting my steps. But I‘ll keep moving forward!! #bfcr4 #gobletoffitness @wanderinglynn @crazyspine @jmtrivera @bookandcat
Getting to know my future anime club members by asking their favorite anime‘s! I started this one today and it‘s pretty good. I just wish I had more time to read more! Let me know any recommendations of Manga for kids age 10-14!!
#bfcr4 week 2 check in! Finished one book and got my steps in all all my school days! I did alright with eating meals at home and packing lunches. @wanderinglynn @crazyspine @bookandcat @jmtrivera #gobletoffitness
I had my students design bookmarks when they finished projects early! They came out super awesome! I scanned them and printed copies to put in the school library! My students are excited to see their bookmarks out and about... and I get to keep some! These turned out awesome!!
Still working on today but here‘s my weekly check in. I finished 3 books this week! Which is a huge jump! I was sick to the gym didn‘t happen much, but I‘m looking forward to the weeks ahead! #gobletoffitness #bfcr4
I have been into graphic novels lately! My student lent me this one and it is wonderful! It‘s a cute feel good book. I really enjoyed it!
I never fully appreciated my bookshelf... until I had to take everything off to move it to wire an extension cord behind it. Now I am much more aware of how much this shelf means to me!
This book was great! It‘s a fun story that takes different turns and is even unexpected at times. It was a fun read and I would like to read it again at some point!
Doing pretty well so far this week despite feeling sick! I finished my 2nd book of the #bfcr4! #gobletoffitness thinks should hopefully go well this week, going to the gym will be my only struggle. @crazyspine @jmtrivera @bookandcat
This book was delightful! It‘s so pure and full of fall/ Halloween sprit! I love it. It got chilly where I live and i an feeling the fall vibes and this book was perfect! I highly recommend it! It‘s a cute quick must read!
This book it too cute the the fall vibes are so strong! I am in love ... I need to read it like everyday!!
Starting an anime club at my school by the request of some students. This is my personal collection of manga... I need some kid friendly recommendations (age 10-14). #recommendations #manga #graphicnovels #anime #help
Feeling the #litsylove today!! Thank you everyone for your lovely birthday wishes! I‘ll be writing back soon... ish I‘m trying to get back to people. It‘s been busy!
Just the motivation I needed to sign up for #bfc @wanderinglynn . Every other BFC I made my goals too hard. I am taking it easy and moving more slowly to my goals. I will read or listen to 1 book a week! I will get 7k steps on weekdays. I will pack healthy school lunches, make dinner at home at least once a week, go to the gym 2-3 days a week, and NO MORE SODA!
I have no self control... so when I saw these at Walmart I couldn‘t resist. Nimona has been on my tbr for a while and I could never find it at libraries so when I saw it I knew I just needed to buy it. I‘m excited for so graphic novel reading! #graphicnovels #bookhaul
This book was great! Sure there were nights it made me fear the dark a bit (I am very easily scared), but it was exciting and kept pulling me in to know what happens next. Apparently it‘s part of a series so I have a few more books to read now! I recommend this one, especially if you‘ve ever had any interest in Jack the Ripper.
I guess I should do this for my swapmate! #litsylove 1. My list should be up to date! 2. As far is bookish items I enjoy earrings and necklaces. 3. I like unicorns but I wouldn‘t say I collect them... yet. I also really like giraffes. 4. My favorite candy is take 5 or any chocolate (not dark)
Listening to this book for a couple days now. I‘m really getting into it. It makes me want to read more about Jack the Ripper and that time period. It‘s an interesting modern twist leaving me with more questions than answers right now.
This was a fun book to listen to! I enjoyed the story and the setting being near where I grew up!
This book was everything! Eden is a perfect place keeping humanity alive after they destroyed the earth with pollution and the overconsumption of resources. It is Ecopan‘s job and AI to keep humans alive and restore the earth! Ecopan determines Rowan is ready to leave Eden because she has proven herself. So so so so good! I want everyone to read this series!
This book is great! A great sequel! Now I just need the 3rd book (that I don‘t have)! This one also has a cliff hanger! I started The Princess Bride in the mean time to get some more reading in for the #summersendreadathon
This book was a fun read! An exciting book and a cliffhanging ending! Excited to dive into the next one!
Met my step goal a few days during week 3 I went o the gym 4 days and shot archery 1 day but also went to a pistol competition! #bfcr3 #bookfitnesschallenge