Alright, chipping away at #winterbookbingo a little bit at a time!
Alright, chipping away at #winterbookbingo a little bit at a time!
This series is lots of fun so far! I have to get back to the library and check out the rest of the series that they have!
Spent my last day of Thanksgiving break working on my grad school project and finishing Lumberjanes #2. Another fun read- really enjoying this series.
I know a little more now, but it's still freakin' weird.
Loved this one much more than the first one. :)
Some nights you want to fix and eat a healthy, balanced dinner and other nights you just want to eat veggie potstickers on the couch and relax with something quick and fun to read. I'll let you guess which kind of night it was at my house. And I am pretty sure there will be chocolate involved later... 😆
Taking a short break from the daily tedium by re-reading some Lumberjanes comics. I wish this series has been around when I was younger. Girls in an eccentric camp being BFFs, solving mysteries, and fighting and/or working with the supernatural. It's everything summer fun reading should be.