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Joined May 2016

Classics, Latam lit, SKing, history and just 📚❤️
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“The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet.”
I read the edited version about 25 years ago and loved it. One of my top SK books. Loved this version too and didn‘t remember a lot of things. This book made my summer better. In a way Im sad for it to end. I will miss these characters.

TrishB My fav SK 👍🏻 6y
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“One fine evening the no less fine office manager Ivan Dmitrich Cherviakov was sitting in the second row of the stalls, watching “The Bells of Corneville” through opera glasses...” #firstlines #thedeathofaclerk

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The Fall | Albert Camus
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Louise Such a sunny day for Camus! 😆 6y
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The Fall | Albert Camus
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ephemeralwaltz Yay!!😍 6y
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The Fall | Albert Camus
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“Puis-je, monsieur, vous proposer mes services, sans risquer d‘être importun? Je crains que vous ne sachiez vous faire entendre de l‘estimable gorille qui préside aux destinées de cet établissement.” #firstlines

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Without a doubt one of the best history books I have ever read. In such a short book, Ferguson manages to explain how the West has dominated the world for the last few centuries and how we might be coming to the end of that period. He narrows it down to competition, science, property rights, medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. And compares these attributes with other cultures that didn‘t end up keeping up. Fantastic. #historyread

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“Hay hombres a los que recuerdas aunque nunca los hayas visto.” #firstlines

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Antony and Cleopatra | William Shakespeare
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#TheShakespearesessions at my kids school. It was fun!

Basura | Hctor Abad Faciolince
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“Esto que empiezo empezó cuando me pasé a vivir por el Parque de Laureles. Hasta ese momento yo no sabía que en el tercer piso de este mismo edificio estaba viviendo Bernardo Davanzati, no sé si lo recuerdan, aquel escritor que a finales de la década del sesenta publicó una novela que no fué muy bien recibida por la crítica, Diario de un impostor, y que años después sacó otro libro que pasó inadvertido, Adiós a la juventud.” #firstlines

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“When Kenneth Clark defined civilization in his television series of that name, he left viewers in no doubt that he meant the civilization of the West - and primarily the art and architecture of Western Europe from the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century. The first of the thirteen films he made for the BBC was politely but firmly dismissive of Byzantine Ravenna, the Celtic Hebrides, Viking Norway and even Charlemagne‘s Aachen.” #firstlines

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No Longer at Ease | Chinua Achebe
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I had never read Mr Achebe and he‘ was most definitely a talented writer. In enjoyed this book although the comparisons between the situation in Nigeria and my country, Venezuela, are painful. But like I said it was well-written and interesting. I specially loved the ending.

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Recitation | Suah Bae
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2 people loved it, 2 people hated it, and the rest was a mixed bag of difficult read but what a smart talented author, poetic writing, different kind of book I nevar would have read unless I was in a book club. All in all a great meeting. #bookclub1

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This really wasn‘t my book and so it took me forever to read it. The setting in Istanbul at the time of Sulayman the great was cool, and I did learn about places and things I didn‘t know about. But it seemed to on forever and never really focus on anything. It just sort of meandered endlessly. I just kept thinking I should like it and kept at it. But nope. Not my book.

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I must say that it surprised me that some stories were kind of a hard read. But, oh, Mr Poe‘s imagination! Nothing like it. Basically liked them all, but my heart still belongs to what was when I was about 9-10, my first ever creepy read: “The murders at the rue Morgue.” 💀📚

No Longer at Ease | Chinua Achebe
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1. Venezuela 🇻🇪
2. It, Wuthering heights, The waves
3. The Dark Tower
4. Casablanca
5. Friday night lights
6. Brandi Carlile, White Buffalo, Silvio Rodriguez
7. White
8. Drama
9. Stay at home mom, and studying for an online international education diplomma
10. Bebo (black lab) and Maga (lab/german sheperd mix) 🐶🐶

No Longer at Ease | Chinua Achebe
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“For three or four weeks Obi Okonkwo had been steeling himself against this moment. And when he walked into the dock that morning he thought he was fully prepared. He wore a smart palm-beach suit and appeared unruffled and indifferent.” #firstlines

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Istanbul | Orhan Pamuk
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I like the idea of mixing your memoir with a chronicle about the city where you‘ve grown up, live and love. There were a couple of chapters I really enjoyed like the one on growing up in a non-religious family while surrounded by devout people at such a turning point in Turkey‘s history. But the book was overly morose most of the time. The word melancholic must have come up 300 times. A little too downtrodden for me.

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“Of all the people God created and Sheltan led astray, only a few have discovered the Centre of the Universe - where there is no good and no evil, no past and no future, no “I” and no “thou”, no war and no reason for war, just an endless sea of calm. What they found was so beautiful that they lost their ability to speak.” #firstlines

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Another Turkey history book for the trip we just took. The Ottoman part was much better handled in the previous book I reviewed, and there was no ancient history, but modern history was very well dealt with. Now I really want to read a Ataturk biography. What an interesting man!

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Great book. I hope they translate it to English soon because I know a lot of Littens that would seriously enjoy it. It‘s about women authors and how they went above and beyond the limitations of their time and place since ancient Mesopotamia to very conservative and traditional countries today. Included excerpts from all kinds of examples of their work. It seemed pretty well documented and its not a long or difficult book. Really enjoyed it.

batsy Sounds wonderful. 7y
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Istanbul | Orhan Pamuk
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“Desde niño me he pasado largos años creyendo en un rincón de la mente que en algún lugar de las calles de Estambul, en una casa parecida a la nuestra, vivía otro Orhan que se me parecía en todo, que era mi gemelo, exactamente igual a mí.” #firstlines

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The Ottoman Empire | Anne Davison
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Fantastic book that can be read in 24 hours. Succinct, informative, balanced. I didn‘t know the “In Brief” series even existed. I can‘t wait to check them all out. Perfect for preparing for a trip or just to inform yourself about a period in history you just don‘t know much about. #historyread

Gezemice Interesting! I have not heard of this series. I should check it out. 7y
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Am I glad I read it? Yes, I‘m glad I read it. Did I sometimes want to tear my eyes off my face out of how repetitive it was, how many characters were there and how long it was? Yes, I did. It is a good mix of dark humor and poignancy, but boy does Heller stretch it for far too long. I did think it got better and that it became more to the point as it progressed. Less rambling maybe? Like I said, I‘m glad I read it but boy am I happy to be done.

Gezemice Lol, I ended up liking it but it took me two tries. And I definitely know what you mean by taking it too far. 😉 7y
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The Martian Chronicles | Ray Bradbury
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New record! 3 bookclubs in 36 hours! 😆 In truth the on the top left I just help coordinate. It‘s my son‘s book club at school which I just recently helped him start and oversee. Still...record! 📚 💪🏽

Mdargusch Lucky you! 7y
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Morning! ☕️ 📖

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Its Friday and Poe knows it! 💃🏾

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“In the consideration of the faculties and impulses - of the prima mobilia of the human soul, the phrenologists have failed to make room for a propensity which, although obviously existing as a radical, primitive, irreducible sentiment, has been equally overlooked by all the moralists who have preceded them. In the pure arrogance of the reason, we have all overlooked it...” #firstlines

Bookwomble From "The Imp of the Perverse"? 6y
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“It was love at first sight.
The first time Yossarian saw the chaplain he fell madly in love with him.”

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A Midsummer Night's Dream | William Shakespeare
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We had fairies 🧚‍♀️ and a Puck at my kids school #Shakespearesessions last night. It‘s a great play to look at with kids. Not my favorite though. I much prefer Shakespeare‘s darker tales like Macbeth and Titus Andronicus. A little foolery‘s fine, but this one seems to have a bit much for me. And I have quite a hard time with the character Helena, asking for the guy she loves to hit her and treat her as his spaniel (and not in a fun way! 😆)

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I‘d read this book about 8 years ago and for some reason did not enjoy it that much. This time around I loved it. Scout and Atticus are such lovely characters, and there are so many beautiful lessons taught from a father to his kids here about justice, prejudice, truth and just life. It‘s definitely a must read.

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A Midsummer Night's Dream | William Shakespeare
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“Now, fair Hyppolita, our nuptial hour
Draws on apace. Four happy days bring in
Another moon; but, O, methinks, how slow
This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires,
Like to a stepdame or a dowager
Long withering out a young man‘s revenue.”

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The Old Regime and the Revolution | Alexis De Tocqueville
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Very interesting book, easier to read than I expected, and short for a history text. It‘s well worth a read to understand our misconceptions about how the French Revolution came about, and what was really behind it. Interesting times call for interesting history reads, I say. #historyread

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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Well, hello Mrs Dalloway! 🌸 #worldbookday at my kids school

KimHM Oh!! I covet that hat! It‘s perfect! 6y
Eugeniavb @KimHM they actually gave it to my husband as a present. It‘s supposed to be a pimp‘s hat! 😂 6y
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Seems sadly fitting these days 😔

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“When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem‘s fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury.” #firstlines

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“El azar, que actúa como cómplice, me ha brindado el siguiente párrafo: ‘Que lo femenino es lo Otro! Pero¡divinos cielos, ¿cual es el hecho histórico que lo demuestra? ¿Cual es el texto [...] que lo deja entrever? ¿Se nota en la tragedia griega o en la Biblia? ¿Hay algún suplemento del decálogo especial para lo Otro?” #firstlines

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The Old Regime and the Revolution | Alexis De Tocqueville
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The idealist in me loves this 💙

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I don‘t usually cry with books. With this one I right out sobbed and couldn‘t stop. It was 3 am when I finished, I couldn‘t put it down, and had to go into the bathroom so I wouldn‘t wake my husband up with my crying. What a poet André Aciman is. His use of language, his insight, his flair. One of the most beautiful books I have ever read, hands down. If you liked/loved the movie, don‘t miss out. Absolutely worth it.

The Old Regime and the Revolution | Alexis De Tocqueville
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Its a four-day weekend in Latin America for Carnaval 🎉 . Here‘s my reading stash 📚: Call me by your name, The old regime, To Kill a mockingbird and Catch-22. With 4 kids 🧒 in tow at the beach 🏖, let‘s see how much I can accomplish 💪🏽.

BookBabe Oasis users unite! Lol 👊🏻 7y
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“Later!” The word, the voice, the attitude.
I‘d never heard anyone use “later” to say goodbye before. It sounded harsh, curt, and dismissive, spoken with the veiled indifference of people who may not care to see or hear from you again.
It is the first thing I remember about him, and I can hear it still today. Later!”

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The Baron in the Trees | Italo Calvino
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Rambling fairy tale interlaced with incisive political and social commentary. At times interesting, cute, and deep. I am glad I read this since it is unlike anything I‘ve ever read, but I didn‘t love it. It was slow at times and I sort of lost interest and then came right back. I would like to read something else by Calvino. Probably Invisible cities, which I‘ve heard is good.

vivastory Invisible Cities is one of my favorites 7y
twohectobooks I‘m reading If on a winter‘s night a traveller right now and liking it quite a lot. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled If on a Winter‘s Night is really fun. I enjoyed it. 7y
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Very interesting (and of course distressing!) article about acts of violence against books.

The Baron in the Trees | Italo Calvino
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“Fue el 15 de junio de 1767 cuando Cosimo Piovasco di Rondó, mi hermano, se sentó por última vez entre nosotros.” #firstlines

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Devotion | Patti Smith
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This is a very interesting little book that can be read in a single day. The first part is the ideas, chances and inspiration that led her write part two, which is a short story. And then part three is a reflection on the reasons for writing. The short story for me was ok, but the first and third part were outstanding. I can see why she‘s so revered for her non-fiction. I also loved the whole idea for the book.

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For me this book was confusing. The idea was interesting, there were some beautiful phrases, characters you wanted to know more about. But a lot ends up not being clarified enough or wrapped up in the end. So, a so-so for me. Although I do wonder if I missed things because of cultural differences?? Would love to try “The remains of the day” sometime though.

The Ten Thousand | Paul Kearney
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writerlibrarian 🎉🎉🎉🎉👍🏻 7y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
DarcysMom Woo! Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉🎉📚 7y
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JessClark78 🎊🎉🎊🎉📚 7y
AmyG Yay🎉🎉🎉 7y
Ddzmini Congratulations 🎊🍾 7y
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The Old Regime and the Revolution | Alexis De Tocqueville
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“No great historical event is better calculated than the French Revolution to teach political writers and statesmen to be cautious in their speculations; for never was any such event, stemming from factors so far back in the past, so inevitable yet so completely unforeseen.” #firstlines #historyread

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