It‘s been a long time since I finished a book. I finally finished this one, as my child tried without success to finish his workbook pages this morning. I really enjoyed it. It was an easy read, I just wish there had been more about her free life.
It‘s been a long time since I finished a book. I finally finished this one, as my child tried without success to finish his workbook pages this morning. I really enjoyed it. It was an easy read, I just wish there had been more about her free life.
Wow! What a glorious box! What a beautiful cross stitch of the raven! I‘ve not cross stitched in years! And what a fun kit to try. I also received collected stories of Edgar Allan Poe and Villa America, which looks good! There is also chocolate, and journals, and some really interesting looking scratcher things. And Mrs Incredible magnets. I‘m a very lucky girl!!! Thanks so much!!! #makerswap
Well, it‘s finally done, and wrapped. Off to the post office! And yes, I was channeling Minnie for the wrapping...
#makerswap @LibrarianRyan
I checked out this audiobook today. I love it as much now as when I read it for the first time. Overdrive makes me so happy.
Let me just say, this book was entrancing. I‘m wanting a sequel. I listened to it, and I‘m glad I have it in print. I‘m going to read it again.
I really am enjoying this audio book. I love that I can watch the game and read!
My son and I started listening to this today. It made him put his phone and iPad down. If that isn‘t a recommendation, I don‘t know what is!
One of the things I love about Philippa Gregory is that I feel right with her characters whom ever they are. I‘m listening to this one on audio book, and I‘m loving it. I‘m absolutely enthralled. I love how Margaret is growing and changing. It‘s so good. While I‘m listening, I‘m scrapping, my hobby. I‘ve not read a book while I crafted before. What a fool am I?!? I think I‘m hooked!
My son woke up and opened everything! I got a fun mug, a beautiful bookmark, a notepad, really cool scrapbooking stickers, and a beautiful, fuzzy, warm, light pink blanket that my son has stolen from me already. He is wrapped in it building a lego as we speak. I love the square PR scene. A Gentleman in Moscow, which looks amazing! I just love historical fiction. This was such a great gift. I thank you for such thoughtful gifts.#blanketandabookswap
I couldn‘t wait to get out of bed and open my box! I thought we were only sending a blanket and a book! So many presents!
#blanketandabookswap #blanketandbook @Tiffy_Reads @Gissy @JoeStalksBeck
I was having troubles getting started on this months book club book. So, I downloaded the audiobook from my local library. I‘m really enjoying it, and I‘m not sure I would have been if I had actually been reading. I‘m wishing I was listening now, rather than babysitting my friends kids. It‘s a great day to just sit outside and listen.
Lookie what arrived on my doorstep this morning! TWO boxes from Puerto Rico! Oh my goodness I‘m so excited for the 7th! But, I‘m thinking there is more than a blanket and a book here! #blanketandabookswap
After many thoughts about the appropriateness of blankets on islands, my #blanketandbookswap box finally left my house! Woo hoo! Boy, I hope she likes it!
After reading several books I simply wasn‘t interested in, I picked up the third book in the series. Honestly, it wasn‘t as good as I wanted it to be, but it was an easy read. I liked seeing what happened with the characters, and I liked that all of them could become another story. And, most importantly, I actually finished a book.
Oh my goodness I feel like I just can‘t read this. I‘ve been trying. Page 116, and I‘m clueless. Every page feels like it takes forever to get through. My book club friends say it‘s going to get better, but at a third of the way done... god I want to bail.
Book club book this month. Also, first rugby game of the season. I‘m grateful it‘s not raining!
Enjoying a book by the pool. Glad the child is making friends.
While we were driving through South Dakota, we happened upon The Readers Den in Mitchell. I couldn't believe what I found. Shelves of Laura Ingalls Wilder books! I picked this first edition up. I'm so glad to have it. Not only is it a good memory of the trip, it's a great subject that I already love!
Ok, let me just say, I'm on a 3 week road trip with my kid, and sigh, I accidentally left my box at home. Luckily, my husband is at home! Last night he opened everything for me and took a photo. How lucky am I? Two books I really want to read & awesome goodies & a book to read with my non-reader! I am excited to read The Women in the Castle! I can't wait to get home and touch everything! Thanks @cobwebmoth you picked perfectly! @BookishMarginalia
I heard from a friend that listening to books on cd was a great way to kill time on road trips. Boy was she right. We finished Harry Potter just about the time we crossed the Continental Divide. My non reader was interested and engaged. I've not had five minutes to read for myself, but how lovely it's been to enjoy this with him. I wish the library had #2. Maybe I can stream it.
I finally finished! 500+ pages! I really enjoyed this. I wanted to finish before the Stars series ended. I'm glad I did. The book is so different! As with all historical fiction, the Authors Note is so informative! I like the idea that the boy wouldn't want to hurt his wife, or Elizabeth. It made me want to learn more about Henry VII. #LitsyAtoZ #theletterg #g @BookishMarginalia
I was so excited to find this at the Friends of SF Library store over the weekend. I've purchased this for Sean's girl friends for birthdays, but I've never read it. This book has such amazing lessons. People change. You change. Friendship changes. It's so important to see all of this as a 5th grader. I loved this story. I can't wait to share it with my son. #LitsyAtoZ #theletterJ #J @BookishMarginalia
So, moving on to something I really want to read, and that I get... A Tudor Princess, well, York. I'm watching the series, so, it's a good fit right now. #litsyatoz #gisforgregory #g @BookishMarginalia
Oh my goodness! I forgot to post this on Thursday. It's going to be delivered tomorrow! #summersantagoespostal @BookishMarginalia
Ok, so I'm not a fantasy girl. I'm trying here people. But she loses two days of her life starting now... Now she is dying as she is walking down the street. She has to worry about being found dead and being buried. I know it's a game, but why?
Yay! This weekend I got the finishing pieces for my box! I'm so excited to get it out! Woo hoo! I'm feeling really good about this! #summersantagoespostal @BookishMarginalia
What a wonderful way to end. What a great way to explain friendship to middle grades. What a lovely little book. I've owned it for just over one year. It was worth the wait. I'm so glad I added it to my #LitsyAtoZ. @BookishMarginalia
Oh no she didn't! I've been putting things together for weeks for my pal. I just wanted to get one more thing... Maybe two. But here comes my pal putting me to shame! And the box is ginormous! I want to open it so very badly... But last time the pretty packages made me crazy, so I'm going to wait. Oh my am I excited! I have to wait over a month! #summersantagoespostal @BookishMarginalia
My normal waiting for my son, while he gets tutored... Sigh. When will my reluctant reader read?
I was so surprised by the ending. I really enjoyed this book. I really liked these mini reviews, and I really related to this one. I loved what a quick read this book was. I liked the illustrations and other additions. I'm really enjoying Nicola Yoon as an author. I can't wait to read what she comes up with next. #LitsyAtoZ #YforYoon #Y @BookishMarginalia
Why I love the library. I can check out a book that mentions my seventh, eighth, and ninth great grandfathers and be tempted by the cover of book I already own! Yay libraries!!!
I'm beginning to think that if a memoir looks interesting to me, I need to hear it in the authors own voice. Reading them just isn't working for me. I found this rambling... Jumping from subject to subject without reason. I was so excited. We've been watching Gilmore Girls from the beginning. I thought I should love this. Sigh. I'm thinking after this and Carrie Fisher, I need to stay away from memoirs for a while.
Oh my goodness, a tiny elf, small enough to fit through stitches of a doll to fix a "ma ma" of a doll. What's not to like?
This book. This book is amazing. I cried so many times. I laughed. I learned. I was right there in the fight. This book kicked me in the stomach. This is THE book to read this year. Please, read it. You won't be sorry.
At page 24 I started crying. I'm going to love this. But, I'm angry at the situation as much as it makes me sad.
Let me just say that walking away from a used bookstore where everything is 80% off is the most painful thing ever. One, you are sick that the store is closing. Two, you are sick because the store is huge, and your 9yo has to be monitored. Three, you are sick because 80% off is just too cheap to pass up, and well, your budget. $65 dollars later, I've got a stack for me, a Christmas stack, a husband stack, AND a secret pal stack. #byebyebaybooks :(
Finally! I finally finished! I love the perfect tied up in a bow ending. In the end, Katie got it all. You can't really ask for more, can you? And, this book will get back to the library before it's due date. It was a quick read... maybe it would be better read in the sun on the beach, but in Starbucks while it's raining was just fine too. I loved this bit in the acknowledgements... I hope all of our lives live up to our posts too...
Let me just say that my library had the best looking new books today! I'm so excited!
So grateful for a quick & easy read. Spring break has started, and I've got until the 15th to finish. Not a ton of time when you have an ADHD 9 yo boy at home.
I checked this out from the library almost two weeks ago. It was a hold book. There are still 13 holds on 11 books... I guess I'd better hurry up! Honestly, I'm sorry that I chose all my #litsyatoz books up front. I keep getting distracted, so my reading challenge of 26 books is going very well, but I've only read like 3 or 4 books from the A to Z challenge. I'm so behind! I need to get focused here!
Woohoo! What an awesome little book! The best thing about this book is how funny it is. I loved the jokes, and I can see how a 4th grader would love the jokes too. I've already suggested this book to several girls at school. I'm excited to read the next one!
My son and I have been reading this together. He reads one page, I read the next. It is such a wonderful story about a 7 year old boy, money, and chickens. All I can say is that I get frustrated when he chooses it for silent reading. I hate missing what is happening. I'd rather he'd wait for me!
I am 10 pages from finishing this super funny and very quick read. Why is it that every time I pick it up to finish I fall asleep?
I love books and stories about Ireland. Well, I love Ireland in general. I liked this. I like the thought of finding a miracle, and the mystery of if it's really true. I enjoyed the conspiracy theory... I enjoyed the use of religion. I did think it was a tad dry, but i kept reading. I really liked how things ended. Emma Donoghue is quickly becoming a must read author for me.