Quarantine Read No. 7
These books are so much fun and I need fun reads right now! I was never a big Sherlock Holmes-type mystery fan, but these books provide a fun, modern spin on the traditional detective stories.
Quarantine Read No. 7
These books are so much fun and I need fun reads right now! I was never a big Sherlock Holmes-type mystery fan, but these books provide a fun, modern spin on the traditional detective stories.
Quarantine Read #6
Grady Hendrix is one of my favorite contemporary authors. His books are dark, strange, funny, and delightful. The horror in this one is not for the squeamish. (There is a scene in the first half that will haunt me forever.) But what‘s even scarier than vampires is how easily the smart and charming women are dismissed and gaslighted (gaslit?) throughout. This one might be my favorite of Hendrix‘s so far. 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Quarantine Read #5
Part biography, part memoir, part detective story,-The Lady From the Black Lagoon tells the story of Milicent Patrick, who designed the monster in The Creature From the Lagoon. Problem is, she never got the credit for her landmark contribution. Equal parts delightful & infuriating, the book chronicles the author‘s search for more details on Patrick‘s life & her quest to celebrate one of the first females in horror filmmaking.
Hi Litsy! I kind of forgot about you for a year, but I‘m here now. How y‘all doing?
I thought it would be interesting to chronicle the books I read during this pandemic. I‘m curious if my reading habits change. So far, not so much! Truly Devious was the only book I‘ve read so far that was out of my wheelhouse. (I did love it & can‘t wait to read the rest.) I do feel I need to lighten up my reads for a bit after finishing My Dark Vanessa.
I‘m excited to dive into this but sad knowing this is the only book we‘ll get from her. Unsolved cases are always the most fascinating to me.
I got to listen to George Saunders talk about his writing process and give advice on writing last night. He is a very funny and lovely man.
“...and sometimes if I'm on the bus and I pull out a biography and I think to myself, 'Well, I don't really feel like reading about a person's life right now' then I'll switch to the novel, and then sometimes if I'm not into the novel, I'll switch back.”
I channel my inner Rory Gilmore whenever I try to decide what books to bring to read during my lunch break at work.
I walked into Barnes & Noble to kill time before a movie tonight and I ended up killing my bank account instead. I also walked out with a copy of Crazy Rich Asians, there just wasn‘t room for it in the picture!
It‘s been a long time since I openly sobbed while reading a book. It was hard to read at times, because I related so much to the main character. John Green so accurately describes what it‘s like to be consumed with your thoughts and the feeling of having no control over those thoughts. This was probably one of the most realistic depictions of OCD and anxiety I‘ve encountered. I‘m hit or miss with his writing, but this one will stick with me.
Well, we already know the answers to these questions...
I have built-in book shelves in my house but I'm still running out of room so I was forced to buy this $20 piece from Target to fit more. And to hold my niece's artwork, which desperately needed showcasing! 😍
There are a few little free libraries in and around my neighborhood but this one at the Carlisle YWCA is my favorite.
"If The Exorcist had been authored by Tina Fey..." I mean, there was no way I wasn't buying this book!
This book is the literary equivalent of a mimosa. It's bubbly and light and I can't get enough of it. It's so compulsively readable but not nearly as heavy as the past few books I've read. It's basically the perfect distraction.
Morning coffee and muuurderrr. Despite being a longtime true crime aficionado, I have never read any of Ann Rule's work. So I'm starting with the big one.
I'm usually anti-tie in covers but this one is haunting. I can't find my original copy and I want to read along with the show when it premieres.
This passage is super relevant to my current situation .
"That's why we're uncomfortable with crying: because it's literally having your feelings leak out of you."
Nora McInerny's quote about crying is one of my absolute favorites. I can't wait to read this. (I've also always said if I write a memoir, it would be called "Laughing While Crying" so this title speaks to me!)
I've sped through about 200 pages of this today and I want to keep going. But it's also so captivating and well-written that I want to savor it. I can't believe this is Angie Thomas's first novel. The writing seems so effortless, like she's been crafting these kinds of stories for decades.
Cold Sunday mornings are made for cozy blankets, coffee, and reading.
I had a bit of a hard time getting into this book so I put it aside for a bit. I picked it back up this week and I'm really enjoying it now; I'm glad I didn't give it up.
A late edition to #internationalwomensday featuring just a tiny fraction of the female authors in my library. Without these ladies, my library, my mind, and my heart would not be anywhere near as full as they currently are. #whoruntheworld #girls
This was one of the most unique books I've encountered. The writing style is unlike anything I've ever read before. It sucked me in from the very first page. It is a beautiful musing on death and grief. It takes historical fiction to a whole new level. Even Gracie cat couldn't keep her paws off of it!
I painted a wall in my living room last weekend and now I have the most bright and cheerful reading corner. ☀️☀️☀️
I have not fallen in love with a book so quickly in a long time. It's breathtaking and I'm only 75 pages in.
I've been wanting to read Zadie Smith for awhile, so I'm starting with her first book. I'm already in love with her writing.
"The doing is the thing. The talking and worrying and thinking is not the thing." Revisiting my favorite passage of Yes Please in hopes that it sticks this time. #yesplease #amypoehler #literarytherapy
I honestly didn't expect Leah Remini's Scientology tell-all to began with such a timely and relevant quote.
With no new episodes of The Americans for a bit, I've decided to read about spies until it comes back.
I have become obsessed with the My Favorite Murder podcast in the last few weeks so my purchases today were inspired by that. It's a must listen for any true crime junkie.
I inadvertently color-coordinated my beverages and my reading material.
I have heard nothing but good things about this book from fellow introverts. Excited to dig into it.
I may have gone overboard with the buying of the books this week.
The Buns of Navarone.
I ❤️ Carrie Fisher.
You hear stories of all the weird things people buy on Amazon after many drinks. Me? I buy books after drinking. 📚🍷📚🍷📚
I don't want to be a poodle.
This book was such a delight! Books by funny ladies are my favorite.