About halfway through this 1961 Pulitzer Prize winner. It's about a recovering alcoholic Catholic priest. Surprisingly good but dry humor. But it's also calming me.
About halfway through this 1961 Pulitzer Prize winner. It's about a recovering alcoholic Catholic priest. Surprisingly good but dry humor. But it's also calming me.
Spending the day with Lillian Boxfish = A perfectly lovely day.
When the protagonist articulates for you what you've been trying to say for years without sounding like a monster... you know this book was your destiny.
@OneLitChick Thank you so much for this book! I have been reading and paging through it non-stop. I especially like when Pearl gives us authors that are too good to pass up. #cupidgoespostal. @BookishMarginalia
I got my special delivery today! @LitsyGoesPostal @BookishMarginalia It may be hard to thank my friend though because I don't see a Litsy handle anywhere. Thank you Phoenix Arizona!
My kid really really likes when I read his school books with him. The power of discussion.
The Super Bowl and this book. In case you too need a reality check.
This resonates with me today.
I can't complain about my reading month. My favorite fiction was The Couple Next Door. I loved both my non-fiction but there's no way to choose because they are so different.
I am getting history geeky now. Does anyone have a recommendation about well-written biographies on Robert and/or Ethel Kennedy. And also Lady Bird? My thirst to know more.
Directions on how to not stab oneself in the face: pet your kitty and read about the Steady Eddy secret service who serve and protect through all the drama. It's been a good tonic for me. #allisnotlost
I thought this might be a good read post inauguration as the Secret Service is a neutral perspective anyway. Clint Hill worked for 3 republicans and 2 democrats.
l like the protagonist so far. She's got a sassy attitude. Sort of maybe a little Stephanie Plum gone ghosty.
If the post office is still open it's mailed today or Monday at the latest. @BookishMarginalia #CupidGoesPostal. If you live in Indiana this could be going to you.
Probs a very good YA book. I'm not the best judge as I don't read super lots of YA.
A little Flavia. A little true crime. St. Peres Beach rocks.
"Noor LeBrac is not a babbler. Her pauses are weapons." My inspiration for a 2017 resolution is right there. PAUSE. Perhaps in trendy terms, this will be my 2017 word.
I didn't hit my goal but me not care! I've learned a lot and loved a lot
Today it was my son's eeney meeney miney mo that chose my next read. This is how I live dangerously.
Christmas shopping done. Tree decorated. Presents wrapped. The scene just over the top of my book.
It's Christmas nog, 4 Oreos and my book. It's called the cookie hour here. That is anytime in the 7 o'clock hour I allow myself a lil treat while I read down the night.
Sometimes I let my beloved choose my next book just like he chose me so many years ago. 💋
I know it's a little bit of a cheap trick to pick one of my last reads in 2016 as my best read of the year but I'm going to do it anyway. Shelby is my soul sister.
If you are not able to commit to a 400+ page book right now, do yourself a favor and read pages 427-431. This is one of the best explanations of active and passive racism I have ever read. My eyes are wide open now.
This is my TBR right now. I feel rich!!!
Dr King said: If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. I needed that today.
Just dived into this after Homegoing. Not experiencing any book hangover symptoms yet. That just means I'm in very good hands with Bryn Greenwood too.
If you want some awesome Toni Morrison like writing read the chapter titled "Akua" in this book. Oh my! What a joy it is to have another woman writer capturing the essence of woman so keenly.
Liberty Hardy will you be back to BOTM in December? I trust you with my reading life. I don't give that trust out easy. In the meantime, my 3 November selections
A Toni Morrison-esque comparison. Count me in. Toni and all her mother characters were the subject of my thesis paper. Can't wait to submerse myself in this one.
Loving this mystery with another mystery. Liberty is spot on as always.
Ann Patchett is my muse. Her talk at the Fitzgerald Theater was hilarious. She doesn't like too long books and does not hesitate to quit a book that is just not for her. Ahh.
Bookmarks don't last long in Spikes domain. Everything is toy to the gentleman. Check out this chapters title. The whole world is this cat's cradle.
I'm in such a place today. I'm reading Graveyard but my mood has suddenly switched and I just want to read Fall on Your Knees that I found on the used table at Twin Cities Book Festival. I'm so conflicted because Graveyard is perfectly good but it just won't do today. Anyone else have sudden reading mood switches? Plus I basically followed author Marlon James around the book stalls and got all fan girly in a stalker sort of way.
Something to keep in mind when you're house hunting: "Beyond the empty field the smokestack of the crematorium was clearly visible, and from time to time the tall, cylindrical brick chimney would belch out a billow of thick black smoke. Depending on which way the wind was blowing, it wasn't inconceivable that some of that mortal smoke might waft in through the apartment's open windows from time to time"
Next in line of my spooky creepy reading month. Anyone read it?
"A grown woman is like a coyote - she can get by on very little. Men are more like house cats. Leave them alone too long and they'll die of sadness." Hmm. I'll have to chew on this for a few days.
Listen, Eileen, if you don't take some action pretty soon I'm going throw your book into the dustbin. I feel impatient today.
Finished Frankenstein and now on to more spooky reads
Oopsy! An unintended result of reading my son's assigned reading is that I may have found a new all time favorite book! Digging the hell out of Frankenstein's narration. Another unintended result? It will be completely lost on my son. Boo.
The start of my month of Halloween reads. Well and because my boy was assigned it for school. There will be a big fat essay due and he won't know where to start (mother love at its purest).