Daylight savings time means an extra hour of reading!
Today is my favorite kind of Sunday, a day full of reading, meal prepping, and cuddling with puppies.
Daylight savings time means an extra hour of reading!
Today is my favorite kind of Sunday, a day full of reading, meal prepping, and cuddling with puppies.
Happy sock Sunday! I just finished #SaveTheDate by Morgan Matson. It‘s a cute quick read but it feels more like it should be a movie than a book. I enjoyed the family dynamic but it was a little unrealistic and overly dramatic for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5⠀
I am so proud of myself for finishing 10 books this month. Two of them were novellas but they still count, right?!
Finally starting the book that everyone has been raving about! Did you read it? What did you think?
This book took me awhile to read. Not because it wasn‘t good, actually the opposite. Talk about a rollercoaster of emotion. I am honestly sad that I finished this book because I love and connect with so many of the characters that I didn‘t want it to end.
Us Against You the characters we loved and hated from Beartown and gave them so much more of a back story. I have never enjoyed a sequel as much as I have this one.
First @bookofthemonth ✅
I expected this book to be a quick lighthearted read but boy was I wrong. The Book of Essie examines a great deal society‘s current issues in a tactful way. Worth the read. I enjoyed it very much. The ending was so satisfying that it‘s a solid four star book. Have you read it? What did you think?
This is how I feel after staying up late to FINALLY finish reading #WarStorm!
I‘m feeling so many feels right now. One of my favorite YA series has finally come to an end. Did you read it? What did you think?
My very first Book of the Month is here! Do you subscribe to #BOTM? Which one did you choose? 📖
In our house, Sundays are for reading and riding dirt bikes! This is our version of #BooksInNature - day 10 of #ReadingResolutions
Are you team #book or team #ereader? Clearly my dogs are divided on this. I find myself somewhere in the middle with a not-so-secret love of #audiobooks too!
Guess what officially released today?! #UsAgainstYou by Fredrik Backman! I loved #BearTown and can‘t wait to die into this sequel.
Conveniently, Bear Town was my last five star read as well as a really underrated book. You hear everyone talk about #AManCalledOve but never about Bear Town. #ReadingResolutions #AllTheBooksJune18
For my birthday my fiancé built me a library! ?? Can‘t wait to start filling it with all my books.
Day 3 of #ReadingResolutions is a #BookAndBeachTowel but it‘s raining today so we used our new sand colored walls. Watson is happy to pose and show a sneak peak of our new library!
Happy #SleepySunday everyone! After a late night of painting our future library the puppies are 😴
This morning I finished #TheStoriedLifeOfAJFikry by Gabrielle Zevin. If you haven‘t read it, do it. 🙌 we give it four paws up! 🐾🐾
Day 2 of #AllTheBooksJune18 - #Audiobook appreciation. I wasn‘t sure how I would feel about this series but I absolutely love it. ❤️👠
Have you read it? What did you think?
This is a very special #ShelfieSaturday. This week we began progress on building our new library. It‘s been lots of work but I can‘t wait to see it finished. 📚 In the meantime all of my books are scattered everywhere across our home 😂
Day 2 of #ReadingResolutions
Happy first day of my birthday month! 🙌
This is my #JuneTBR! What will you be reading this month? 📖
This month I will be participating in #AllTheBooksJune18 and #ReadingResolutions. 📚
First person to check out War Storm! I love this series and can‘t wait to read the final book!!
6 hour road trip reading material. Have you read it? What did you think?
Fredrik Backman is always a great read. This one did not disappoint. Can‘t wait to read the second part of this book.
I wanted to like this book so much. It provided interesting details into her life but sounds like it was written by a child.