Just finished chapter two, and feeling dubious. I don't want to be "fierce" and wear makeup and high heels. Not sure if this is the book for me. Anyone else?
Just finished chapter two, and feeling dubious. I don't want to be "fierce" and wear makeup and high heels. Not sure if this is the book for me. Anyone else?
Not quite to the last page because I'm savoring it. Summerscale writes some AMAZING stuff!
"But in addition to making the world a quieter place for those trying to read and think, our lybrarians are also trying to keep people from having their tongues cut out or being thrown into jail or set on fire for scribbling the wrong thing on a piece of parchment. Not to mention keeping their writings from being destroyed or locked away."
Re-reading a favorite Austen retelling while snuggled up under my Austen-inspired quilt.
Love the game, now it's time to check out the originals!
I know it's only August, but I'm calling it now: favorite read of 2016.