My December TBR is approved by Krampus!
My December TBR is approved by Krampus!
Here are the good books I read this month!! I read a lot of YA because my brain needed a vacation 😋
Sometimes a grown up just needs to relax with a funny, kinda spooky, engaging kid‘s book. You know?
20 minutes and $4 later ..... (12th printing of Franny and Zooey!!)
This is what a good day at the thrift store looks like. 😻
I always thought this was about nerds.
I will buy every damn copy of this book I find.
I am only buying one book this month. And it‘s about werewolves fighting nazis.
I‘m reading a lot of YA this month & having lots of fun! This may or may not have something to do with finishing up my Goodreads goal (89/100!!) this year. 😉I finished A Gentlemen‘s Guide to Vice & Virtue and City of Ghosts last week and loved them both. Just stared Serpent & Dove this afternoon and can tell I‘m going to enjoy it. Read any good YA lately?
Oh Bunny! The buzz around this book was so weird!! It seemed like people either loved it or were utterly confused.
I loved it!!!
Samantha is a scholarship student at a prestigious university enrolled in a MFA program for creative writing. She hates a clique of three rich girls who like super cute things and call each other "bunny." But then! They invite her to one of their salons and THINGS GET WEIRD AND DANGEROUS.