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Results are up! Head over to @Webookingloveit
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A great sequel to 'The Winter King'. I really enjoyed the romance, scenery and plot! Can't wait for more!!
Here's our July Wrap up guys!! How many books did you read in July??
Hey guys! Have any of you read 'The Winter King' by C L Wilson? I've got to admit it's one of my fave fantasy series, and have just finished the second one this week. If you love reading about magic and romance you'll love this - (though this is a bit more mature than our usual reads). We highly recommend! #clwilsonst19
Also here is a sneaky code: TL019 for a discount for C L Wilson merch on her website - don't forget to have a gander!
A new favourite series 😍👌🏻
Who else the Barnes and Nobles leather bound classics?! We need more!! 😍😍
Who else loves this duology!? 😍😁
Haven't read this yet, have you???
Started reading this last night! It's one of our most anticipated reads this year so let's hope it's as good as we are hoping!!!
Gorgeous goodies from Unicorncrate 🦄
Finally finished Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay. I enjoyed the story but for some reason I found the writing hard to click with, I was never eager to pick the book up after putting it down which is why it took me a week to finish it! A nice retelling though, good Sleeping Beauty retellings are difficult to find!
Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day, we are just enjoying these gorgeous candles by Bookandnook😍👌🏻💙
Have you guys read the loom saga by Elise Kova? We loved reading this arc and can't wait for the hardcover! Though we must admit Elise Kova seems to leave all the action to the last few chapters, which is awful when you have to wait for the next book 😩
Ok guys QOTD- vampire or werewolf!?
Who else has seen the beauty that is Spindle Fire's sequel- Winter Glass... it's so pretty we cannot wait for its release!! 💙
recently there has been so much awesome LotR merch! We really need them!! Aren't those films so cosy?! We know every single word 😂😂
QOTD- stand alone or series?
Let us know your favourite stand alone books, were always on the hunt for great ones!!
Who else loved Flame in the Mist!? And who else cannot wait for the next one??
We recommend you guys pick this up if you haven't already, especially if you love Japanese history! Honestly we love the characters in this book! Star particularly likes Ranmaru, where as Fleur prefers Kenshin... who is your favourite character? 💙
Question- do you guys prefer Heartless or The Lunar Chronicles? We have to choose TLC but Heartless was definitely a good retelling! Of course it being a retelling of the Queen of Hearts it wasn't going to be a happily ever after, which we are both suckers for!! 💙
Read this last week, and loved it! We usually don't read much contemporary but there was a lot of hype around this and the concept sounded so good, we had to give it a try... and glad we did! Really sweet and a super fast read. If you guys like contemporary we definitely recommend checking this one out! 💙
I can't wait to get started on 'Dorothy must die'! And I can't get enough of The Wizard of Oz 😍 this version just makes me swoon! I LOVE The Leatherbound Barnes and Noble editions! I NEED to get my hands on 'The call of the Wild' by Jack London! If only i were in the US 😩😭
Didn't know whether to rate this one with a so-so or a pick... because honestly it was somewhere in between that. I LOVED the premise of this book and it was enjoyable, there was just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on 🤔I'm glad I picked it up though! What did you guys think of this? It definitely was more unique than a lot of other YA 💙
Have you read The Forest Spell by Megan Kempston? Below is a quick snap shot to see if your interested ☺💙
Kaine Academy is a lot of things: prestigious, expensive, well-situated in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains... but it‘s definitely not normal.
When Zie Harris starts the year as a sophomore transfer—and the school‘s only half-elf—she knows she‘s in for adventure. She just assumed it would involve more studying and less actual danger.
How beautiful is this book that Fleur bought for Star!? 😍 and if you guys know us from our Instagram you'll know we love anything fairytale/ Disney... we cannot wait to give this a read!! Have any of you read it? Let us know what you thought💙
Surprisingly we really enjoyed this! We just wish we bought The Great Pursuit at the same time so we didn't have to wait to order it and see what happens 🙈 a solid 3.5 stars- quick and enjoyable read ☺💙
First upload on here 😱 excited to get started! Loving how these red books look 😍 have you guys read any of these? Let us know ☺
'Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He‘s not dead, you fools. Legends never die.' - Roseblood