My haul from the book sale! Each one was $5.97 or less. I have yet to start either of Maas's series, but I definitely plan on reading both this year, and couldn't pass up hardcovers in such perfect condition at such a great price! 😍
My haul from the book sale! Each one was $5.97 or less. I have yet to start either of Maas's series, but I definitely plan on reading both this year, and couldn't pass up hardcovers in such perfect condition at such a great price! 😍
I was disappointed in this book, especially since I loved Toliver's take on Red's past. Regina did not feel real to me, and rather than seeing her actual love (Daniel), there is a random, rushed love interest. Cora was believable, and while Regina's actions at the very end felt somewhat like her, the book overall was boring. It took me over a month to read because it felt like all source material had been ignored. Okay, but not highly recommended.
I was sooooo excited when I discovered we were going to get to go back to the House of Night with the Nerd Herd! I devoured this book fairly quickly. It was just as loveable as the rest of the books. It was cool to see how everyone's lives have changed since the conclusion of the series, and the unexpected challenges and conflict were really interesting.
After reading this book again as an adult, I have come to hate the movie (almost, I could never truly hate it). I forgot how much of the good stuff was left out!
McGonagall's constant attitude/sass; the birth of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and the way Flitwick preserved a small part of the swamp; Neville's character growth; Order members threatening the Dursleys... This might be my favorite HP book.