#currentlyreading and listening to Sherwood by Meagan Spooner. A feminist retelling of Robin Hood.
#currentlyreading and listening to Sherwood by Meagan Spooner. A feminist retelling of Robin Hood.
As soon as I found out this was a retelling of Les Mis, I neeeeeded it in my hot, little hands. I know it only JUST came out like yesterday, but has anyone already started it?
I adore Scythe. The perfect dystopian book. It had such a rich society, which made the read really immersive. And then ending! And middle for that matter! And even the beginning! Front to back, this is hands down a new favorite.
I got my copy of the Wicked King signed last night and I‘m thrilled. Holly Black was hilarious and so nice! Definitely an excellent early birthday present.
#book #bibliophile #booklover
I am IN LOVE with this book. The color language (that‘s what I‘m calling it) makes everything feel so vibrant. The depiction of depression rings so true with me, and my heart just hurts for these characters. So good. So worth. 10/10, would recommend.
#theastonishingcolorofafter #yabooks #youngadult