I would not, could not be broken. Tamed. #book #acomaf #acourtofmistansfury #reading #books #sarahjmaas
I would not, could not be broken. Tamed. #book #acomaf #acourtofmistansfury #reading #books #sarahjmaas
I cannot wait to read this. Got this baby in my Uppercase Box last month! #subscriptionbox #book #reading #books #reader
"I think you're a fairy tale. I think you're magical, and brave, and exquisite. And I hope you'll let me be in your story." #books #reading #strangethedreamer
It arrived today! I am so happy it is FINALY here. But now I feel like I need the other three. 😂 I have such an addiction to books. Nothing else compares. #bookaddiction #reading #harrypotter #gryffindor #book
Not a book I plan to read soon. I would have loved an actual Vlad the Impaler retelling. But I find the love story unnecessary. I'm hoping Now I Rise will be the story I am hoping for. #reading #books #bookstagram #book #reader
Oh man! I finally finished Strange The Dreamer. Is it possible to die from heartbreak? I need that next book! Or I need information about when it come out so I can count the days. I obsess, I have an obsessive personality. 😂😂
Gonna start King's Cage I think. So I can get it out of the way.
#reading #books #kingscage #book #bookstagram #maps #reading #booklove
Still working on Strange The Dreamer. I'm probably not going to finish my June TBR list. It's been a slow month for reading. #bookstagram #reading #books #coffee #lazySunday
This series is one I would have loved a bit more of. I had so many questions about who ended up where. I wanted to know all the mundane things about the rest of their lives. I loved this series so much that I just wanted more! #reading #books #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #leighbardugo #bookstagram #coffee
New books always make me happy! I have such an obsession. #newbooks #books #reading #booklover
Just got this baby in the mail! Someone on BookTube recommended it and I'm such a sucker for retellings! #book #recommendations #bookworm #newbooks
#meetthelittens 1. Sunniest Place on Earth, Arizona
2. 2. Stand alone? Love, Rosie
4. Titanic, Con Air, Hairspray
5. Doctor Who, SVU
6. I don't really have a favorite.
7. Grey
8. YA, Fantasy, Romance
9. AWC/Stay at home wife
10. Obi Wan Kenobi(black lab) & Roo(beagle)
"I've learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling."
Probably one of my favorite novels to date. I've been in love with this novel since I was 16 years old. That is 11 years ago! My! How time flies!
#book #favoritebook #ceceliaahern
📖1.) the Devils lair which is Arizona.
📖2.) saw it compared to IG and Goodreads which I love!
📖3.)HP all the way!
📖4.) I do recall a turtle in my household,But he wasn't mine.
@saguarosally #welcomelitten
80 years ago one of my most loved fictional character passed. My heart will never get over you. Ave Atque Vale, Will.
"Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck."
#shadowhunters #Willherondale #theinfernaldevices
"Isn't that the way everything begins? A night, a love, a once and for all."
Must say I feel pretty proud of this photo. I just love the blue fairy lights.