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Joined January 2018

big books, small books
Name of the Wind (Revised) | Patrick Rothfuss

Well, you know what they say. Finding the right analogy is as hard as... as hard as...

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A student of mine was reading this book, completely entranced. We talked about it and she was so full of enthusiasm that I wanted to read it too. Unfortunately, my library doesn't have it. When I told her.... she let me borrow her copy! I can only say to her: thank you for not seeing me as another teacher and showing me what you care about. She was right btw, this is a great book!

AmyG Every time I see this I thank Litsy. I just loved this book. 7y
GondorGirl That's so awesome! I love that books can bridge the gap between kids and adults. 7y
SmallestAct Thank you @GondorGirl. Very true ! I also think it's amazing to see her read a difficult book in a second language. 7y
Cinfhen Love everything about this post ❤️ 7y
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I finally had time to go to the #library for an excellent #bookhaul. Can't wait to get started! I've got books in #Dutch #Spanish and #English, it's a nice mix. Which one should I read first?

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Yes! Lazily reading in bed on a Sunday evening after moving yesterday. I'm happy to see that Odysseus and Penelope are also discussing interior decorating. Sleep well!

The Meaning of Names | Karen Gettert Shoemaker
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My handle here is from a quote by Oscar Wilde: " The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention ". I try to be kind, but I forget sometimes. This quote reminds me. Also, I'm kinda small and people used to tease me with it. Now I know that I'm perceived a certain way and I make use of it.

@Chelleo thank you for the inspiration!


AmyG ❤️ 7y
Chelleo Great quote and handle! 7y
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As a biology teacher I talk about sex. A lot. Mary Roach gave me new facts and made me laugh out loud! I thoroughly recommend this book. Her writing style is quirky but gets the point across. I booked this as 'a book about sports' on #popsugar2018

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Wool | Hugh Howey
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Amazing book! There was more going on than I imagined, it was personally recommended to me by a colleague and he was right! However: the Next hunger games? No way! That's a selling trick. Read this.

Snuff | Terry Pratchett
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It' s nearly time to move! One week left. But where did I leave this book? I'm sure it must be in one of these boxes.

AmyG Thst‘s my problem. We moved from a house to a small apartment and most of my books are in storage. Good luck with your move! 7y
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The Last American Vampire | Seth Grahame-Smith
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I got this book in my last #libraryhaul because I liked the cover. I couldn't really get in to the book, maybe because I didn't read the first one? I think the plot could have been more complex. Sometimes it felt like a long narration of things they saw. However, if you are looking for an easy read, and you have read the first one, I would definitely recommend it. There's a lot of cool pictures too! #popsugar2018

The Last American Vampire | Seth Grahame-Smith
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Finally time to read! After the snow and hail and rain of today I'm so ready to snuggle up :) #tea #winterweather #timetoread

The Last American Vampire | Seth Grahame-Smith
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I chose the book because of the cover. Liking it so far! I like the new take on history. I didn't read the first book 'Abraham Lincoln: vampire Hunter' . #library

vkois88 Welcome to the #LitsyFamily ❤❤❤ 7y
MaleficentBookDragon I love the cover too. Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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Perks of Being a Wallflower | Stephen Chbosky

I read this book because my students have to read it. I loved it! I think the themes of teens trying to find their place in the world is recognizable for my students.

LiteraryinPA Welcome! What grade do you teach? 7y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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As you can see by the dust jacket: I love this book and I've read it a few times. I like the fairy tale themes combined with a tough lady who follows her own path. I thought it was unique, because of the central role nature played in the story.

Coco I loved this story! So original and Noviks writing style was gorgeous I thought! 7y
RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you're interested. :) 7y
SmallestAct Thank you @RaimeyGallant for the warm welcome! I was a bit creeped out that you noticed my newbie status (internal monologue: what am I doing wrong? Can everybody see this?) But after reading your tips I understand! And I'm happy to call myself a Litten too :) 7y
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RaimeyGallant Haha, there are a few of us lurking in the shadows, waiting to welcome new Littens. :) 7y
DeborahSmall This edition is gorgeous. I just picked up the paperback after reading The Bear and the Nightingale and The Girl in the Tower. It‘s difficult to get the hardback in the UK ❤️ 7y
DeborahSmall I did find a copy for 690!! 7y
cobwebmoth I loved this book. Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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The omens are here! What will happen?

DebbieGrillo Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
SmallestAct Thank you @DebbieGrillo for the warm welcome! 7y
Kaye Welcome and thank you for the follow. ♥️ 7y
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