On to book two of Fablehaven. I also found out there is a sequel series called DragonWatch
On to book two of Fablehaven. I also found out there is a sequel series called DragonWatch
Reading fablehaven for the first time since I was kid I love these books
How many of you read more than one book at the same time. These are the books Im currently reading
I got the covid so im stuck alone at home so I setup my reading chair for my all day readathon
This book is all kinds of fucked up. Im loving it
Started this book loving all three perspectives so far
What was the last 5 star book you read this year? Mine is Slewfoot by Brom
Most of the books Ive read so far this year
Starting The girl who drank the moon. Im liking it so far
Starting book three of the Septimus heap series. Im enjoying it in spite of the clear harry potter rip offs in many parts of the book. Its I very under discussed series its definitely worth the read if you are looking for something fun and quick
On to the final book of my harry potter re read
Anyone Participating in Deweys 24 hour readathon tomorrow?
Getting ready to buddy read this with my cousin. Hope it‘s as good as it sounds.
This book has an amazing rating on good reads, why? idk. I gave it 2 stars
Re reading the harry potter books again needed a confort read on book four now
I don‘t understand how so many people liked this book im almost finished and not a god damn thing has happened and i honestly don‘t even care about the characters. Who likes this trash and why?
A little brutal but absolutely loving the vibez
Books Ive read On the Left And my TBR shelf on the right
The 3 books I‘ve got so far from #bookofthemonth
What a Strange read but i am loving it
Just started reading Wildwood. I am absolutely in love with the cover art
Starting the last book in the percy jackson series tonight. Im really enjoying it Idon‘t know why i never read them as a kid
Yaya The cannibals of candyland arrived today very excited for this one
Reading the fourth Percy Jackson novel while I wait for Thistle foot, The book eaters, and The cannibles of candyland to come in.
Finished Stephen Kings Fairy Tale. Now Im starting the third installment of the percy jackson series
Books okay so far On page 317 ready for something to happen tho so far its only 3 star but there is still time
Im doing my own 24 hour readathon starting at 8pm. Im going to read the Percy Jackson books
Great book brings me back to my childhood when I res twilight
If you Have not picked up the Arc of a Scythe trilogy yet do so you wont regret it.
Started this book today. Never read a historical fiction before not really my thing but im in the mood to shake things up a little 🥳📖
Going to attempt to finish this book today just 4 hours left
Im almost finished Wicked its been a chore. It is such a boring book and the characters are so flat I cant stand it. I desperately need to find a good book to read.
Reading 4 books right now cuz nothing is holding my attention for very long
On page 144 of wicked an nothing interesting is happening yet when does it get better
Starting Wicked Tonight DNFed it many years ago and want to give it another try
Starting doctor sleep anyone else read this and enjoy it. Is it worth my time
Finally on the last book of the series. Goal almost complete