Currently reading! 📚 🖤🖤
I just finished A court of wings and ruin. I really enjoyed this series. My favorite of the three is A court of mist and fury. I would give this series a 5/5 🌟 .
#acourtofthornsandroses #acourtofmistandfury #acourtofwingsandruin #sarajmaas #books #bookseries #reading #bookworm #booknerd #bookblogger #bookphotography
" You're a wizard, Harry." ⚡️
#harrypotter #jkrowling #bookseries #harrypotterandthesorcerersstone #books #bookworm #reading #bookblogger #yabooks #potterhead #reader #harrypotter20
" But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." ⚡️
#harrypotter #jkrowling #book #bookseries #bookworm #reading #favorites #booklover #potterhead #bibliophile
" She wasn't going to back down. She knew that. She communicated that. She was here until death."
#weregirl #werewolf #yabooks #book #bookworm #bookblogger #reading #booklover #bookphotography
" You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."
Me before you is one of my favorite books! ?
#mebeforeyou #jojomoyes #bumblebee #book #bookworm #reading #favorites
" Your mind will believe comforting lies while also knowing the painful truths that make those lies necessary. And your mind will punish you for believing both."
#amonstercalls #patrickness #books #reading #yabooks #bookworm
" To the stars that listen and the dreams that are answered"
I just finished this. This book was so good!
I'm about to start reading a court of wings and ruin.
#acourtofmistandfury #acomaf #books #reading #yabooks #sarajmaas