"light reading" for the week. Hopefully, this book will help me understand Reactive Attachment Disorder, as I am currently getting a crash course in it right now.
"light reading" for the week. Hopefully, this book will help me understand Reactive Attachment Disorder, as I am currently getting a crash course in it right now.
Got this for my birthday. Great read so far! Contains spoilers lol!!
"The things that I do for love"
My sister got me this book for Christmas. Now I can torture my family!
Just got this for Christmas from my brother in law!! Can't wait to sink my teeth into this series!
The only book I've read at least five different times. Always a great book about how our news media sometimes spins things out of control.
Fantastic book explaining the history of our furry friends in battle. I bought this book while I was at Pearl Harbor, and totally forgot about it lol.
This lunchbox is in the shape of a book lol.
For those who are going through the home study process, or have already became foster or adoptive parents, this book is a great book to read! This woman understands everything that we've gone through AND will go through! For those thinking about fostering or adopting, then I suggest that you read this first in order to have an understanding of what you will be dealing with!
Cannot wait to start reading this!!
Fantastic read so far. My wife is related to the Hugenots, and was not pleased when I told her that because of this, she's also related to Herman Goering 😟.
Has anyone read this book? I'm a huge Queen fan and I'm looking for a great biography to read!
So [Miss Emily] vanquished them, horse and foot, just as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell. (2.1)
I will always love Big Brother