New use for your giant To Be Read stack: put it in a box, and make it a stylish chair.
Very stylish.
Much style.
New use for your giant To Be Read stack: put it in a box, and make it a stylish chair.
Very stylish.
Much style.
And again...
“But she had survived by being honest with herself. And she had to acknowledge that there was another fear inside of her...”
- Zoya Nazyalensky,
King of Scars
Here we go again with the Grishaverse.
“Does a king bow so easily to a man with no title?”
- Zoya Nazyalensky,
King of Scars
Another daily dose of Grishaverse.
“Are you so ruthless, Zoya? He is an innocent man. His only crime was loving my mother.”
“No, his crime was bedding your mother.”
- Zoya Nazyalensky & Nikolai Lantsov,
Dragon & King of Ravka,
King of Scars
Daily dose of Grishaverse.
“Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart.”
- Sankt Juris,
King of Scars
When a good character dies a sad death, you have two options. Keep reading, or go back in the book to where their still alive.
I‘m literally re-reading this book over and over again, until the ending changes, or the next book comes out.
Does anyone know how to paste a link into a post?
Tell me if this is weird, but I refuse to use hashtags.
Ok, but Zoya and Nikolai are a match made in heaven, but first in hell.
“I only attack my boyfriend that way.”
-Annabeth Chase
This was the first really good and challenging book I found in years. I highly recommend everyone reads it. I LOVED it. 🤩
“But from now on, I would be more than Lester. I would be more than an observer.
I would be Apollo
I would remember”
-Lester Papadopoulos (Apollo)
Trouble... trouble...
Everyone who ever read this book absolutely needs this song. Warning, it my be very emotional.
Everyone who ever liked this book needs to listen to this.
“You dropped this.”
- Percy Jackson
“Inej raised a brow and slowly wiped the blood of kings on her trousers”
Why??? Why??? Whyyyyyyyy??? Did you really have to bring him back? Really? And now your making us wait for the next book? Rude.
“I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from my oath.”