Getting back to reading after nearly a year after a tragedy happened in the family. Starting to feel myself again (sorta) as my ability to focus is coming back. Hope this is a good one. Looking forward to more litsy in my life ❤️
Getting back to reading after nearly a year after a tragedy happened in the family. Starting to feel myself again (sorta) as my ability to focus is coming back. Hope this is a good one. Looking forward to more litsy in my life ❤️
First 100 pages have me convinced this is going to be amazing all the way through. My kind of book!
These two arrived on Saturday - causing auntie Renee to get behind on her reading helping thier momma. They are forgiven because they're darn cute!!
Sadly I can't recommend this book. There was something pretentious about it that I can't exactly pinpoint. There were parts I liked and Alexis is a good storyteller but there was something about it that felt indulgent or smug to me.
Discussion of pages 299-367.
Discussion of pages 299-367.
Discussion on pages 299-367
Fill in the blank!! Attach your own hastag associated with your answer.
Fill in the blank!!
Fill in the blank!!
Fill in the blank!!
Yup, as great as all the other reviews and as entertaining as the movie. Worth reading even if you've already seen the movie. Si-fi is a genre that's been growing on me this last year - which is turning out to be a great thing.
Fill in the blank!!
Fill in the blank! Tell us what's boggling you about the book, a character..anything!
If you have insight for a fellow reader who is confused or struggling with something please share it!!
Week of March 8-14 Pages 299-367
Throughout the week I will be posting a fill in the blank prompt with an associated #hashtag. Post your filled in answers!!!
Happy Reading this week everyone!!
Good for a quick entertaining read. The story held my attention the whole way through but the ending was unsatisfactory. Definitely a good pick for a fun, short read though.
Unique book that was so poignant for me right now I will remember it always. Highly recommended if you enjoy philosophical discussion or historical-speculative fiction.
#infinitejestbuddyread #color
Week 4 General Color @Hooked_on_books Blue @JenP
Today I will be posting individual posts about each topic that has a member associated with it. I will use the #infinitejestbuddyread tag as well as the topic tag (eg #color). Then in the comments I will tag the member who took that topic for this week so they can begin sharing thier insights.
Using this format we can continue to easily reference and build on the item as we continue reading.
#infinitejestbuddyread #quoteoftheweek
I can hear this voice soooo clearly.
Reminds me of when my step-son was 4 and I was called Wenee lol
Here's a tally of the topics selected and their observers.
Isolation @Pippitypip
Waste @Currey
Color @HookedonBooks
Color Blue @JenP
Light/Color @Simona
Obsession @Abailliekaras
Loops @britt_brooke
Problems Surrounding Communication @Purple610
Canada @LeahBergen
Addiction and Fear @Kristelh
Fear of Failure @Mtroiano
Anyone can join in! Tag me and I will add you.
Happy Reading ❤📚📎🔖🖌🔎
Happy to be your host for this week, pages 181-240. Choose and share which theme/motif from this list you'll follow closely this week to share your insights and discoveries with the group throughout the week and during our group discussion on Tuesday.
Number (3, 8)
Problems Surrounding Communication
Portrayal of Women
Your Own Idea
Page 155. What a fantastic word and meaning!!
Am I right that the first mention of Purpleboy occurs on page 130? I remember in last weeks reading asking my husband if blue mixed with orange makes purple. I feel like this is something and want to track it. Does each color represent something that equals some sort of logic equation? Or philosophy?
Re all the misspellings: miscommunication showing up again.
There is something about reading Inifinite Jest that keeps making me think about Tom Yates, the writer character on House of Cards. This is very ok with me 😍
#infinitejestbuddyread Continuing because of the lack of space per post, grr lol
DFW is toying with how people are fearful/programmed to hide in silence, suppress themselves and struggle with communicatation. Facial expressions and body language are speaking more than the voices and I think this is very much on purpose and eventually to be tied into the larger theme/story.
#infinitejestbuddyread My book is filling up with tags and notes!
Insights added to last weeks: the repetition of "filter", screen, video, image of the outer individual as a mask/barrier to showing the true inner self. Drugs are also a representation of this inner suppression/fear from showing true self to others. The silence, bodily experiences (digestive problems, gas, sensation of temperature, persperation) take them out if their inner world.
Not worth the effort. The pov and tense didn't help much. Skip if you can.
I was in San Francisco this week - couldn't leave without a souvenir ☺️
#infinitejestbuddyread. Ok, this may be the most perfect paragraph I have ever read. #nicesurprize #imightlovethisbook. Is it too soon to say I am loving it?
My second Pearl S. Buck novel, another strong 5 stars. Her prose is so lovely the story rich with culture and humanity it is so refreshing. The layers of emotion and internal struggle for the charactes make you feel like they are speaking directly to you. Plus, I love stories about these lost details in history - very engaging and highly recommended book.
I love bits of poetry thrown into novels...how lovely it is when you learn your protagonist is a closet-poet ❤
I really enjoy travel memoir/journal books. This aspect was the only part of the book that was able to hold my interest. Something about it kept me distant and unable to connect. Good. Not great.