This book has made me cry happy and sad tears. It is completely worth reading the whole series and I'm in love with it. That's all I have to say lol.
This book has made me cry happy and sad tears. It is completely worth reading the whole series and I'm in love with it. That's all I have to say lol.
"Qwhen we use our anger to make statements about the self, we assume a position of strength, because no one can argue with our own thoughts and feelings." - Harriet Lerner
The book was fantastic and very informative. The book gives more detail then the movie and explains alot more but yet raises more questions. Its definitely a must read.
Finally got the whole series of Waterfire Saga by Jennifer Donnelly! I'm super excited to see what its about and especially because I love everything about the ocean fiction or not. I also heard from a friend about how great the first 2 books are and that its a must read and I can not wait!
I only liked the first short story. The rest I felt were rushed especially If It Bleeds. All the short stories are amazing ideas that I felt Stephen King could have wrote into full on novels. I love Stephen King but im just not a fan of short stories.🙁 I hate that they end so quickly!
The book was amazing. The plot twists were crazy and I couldnt put it down. I would recommend this to anyone who loves drama and jealous affairs.
It was really slow in the beginning. There were parts were I couldnt stop ready and other where I was forcing myself to read it. It's very repetitive and there were details that I feel didnt have any tie to the story. But overall, I thought the book was good I got a clear image of most of the scenes.
At work reading my current book. At first the beginning was slow but as you read on to the 4 or 5 day the main character has spent in her new apartment, things start to speed up. People are being used, murdered, missing and scarying the hell out of Stephanie and to be honest me as well.
The story was written as if I were basically Lale. There are so many dark moments and sad moments that I feel their pain and suffering. I would definitely recommend this to others who love to read about the history behind the holocaust. I would have never gotten the chance to read this beautiful book if it wasn't for my mother in law, Barbara. I love her more then life it self and can not thank her enough for lending me this wonderful book.
The book was amazing! I read it in less than 10 hours and can't even begin to describe it. The story was so well written and smooth. The middle had an amazing plot twist that iddint even see coming which is rare for me. I loved it and couldn't put the book down. This is hands down one of my favorite books.
Starting this book and hoping it's as good as everyone says it is. Can't wait to read it all during my last free weekend!
I liked the story line to it but it just didnt seem like my kind of book. I just couldnt get into it. One moment I'd be forcing myself to read it the next I was sucked into it. It was written well though just hard for me personally to understand so its definitely me and not the book. Give it a try you might like it alot more than me.😊
This book is definitely got alot of scientific and hard to understand language but it is still written amazingly! I love the story.
The book was amazing and heart breaking. One moment he's a normal boy and the next he's sick and suffers through a life of pain that no one should go through. He still made the best of his life even with everything he went through.
The book was about the interesting feelings that an octopus shared with a human being. I learned about a couple different octopuses personalities and how they live. I would definitely recommend this book to any other marine animal lovers.