This book was amazing!!! The first one dragged a little, but I couldn‘t put this one down!!! I‘m a so excited to continue the series. 💔
This book was amazing!!! The first one dragged a little, but I couldn‘t put this one down!!! I‘m a so excited to continue the series. 💔
Light and easy read. Pretty predictable story line. I had no idea this was the second book to a series.
Amazing book!!! I am not one for fairies, but this series has me hooked!! On to the next ...
This book was not what I expected! What I thought was a book about a fictional character like Elizabeth Taylor, turned out to be something so much more meaningful. I loved everything about this book. It was so well written, that I felt the happiness, pain, and heartbreak that Evelyn Hugo felt it her life.
I‘ve never read a pirate book, but I loved this one!! Love the attraction that the two main characters had for each other. I also loved the main character is a female who kicks a$$! I can‘t wait to read the second book.
This book was a quick read. Nothing surprising in the story line, it was pretty predictable. Hope her second novel is a little more suspenseful.
I love books with magic!!! What started off as a beauty and the beast story, transformed into a different and unique story. Towards the ending, I was a little bored and felt the story dragged. I didn‘t enjoy the ending as much and thought it could‘ve ended earlier on in the book and I would have been content. Overall, great writing and characters to love.
I was expecting this book to be so intense after her first novel. I was ready to be on the edge of my seat with this one, and just felt it was repetitive. I couldn‘t wait for it to be over.
Such an amazing book. Even though you know how it‘s going to end, you take an emotional ride throughout this book.
This book was okay. I was expecting more from reviews I‘ve read on authors book by Kubica. It took me a lot longer that what I had anticipated to read. It just didn‘t hold my attention or keep me in suspense like I felt it should have.
I‘ve been putting off this book for a while. I‘m not emotionally prepared for this series to be over. 😩
Book 2 in my opinion, was not as interesting as the first book. However, kudos to the author for creating such an intricate world for the story. I can‘t wait to read book 3!
I loved loved loved this book! I can‘t believe it took me so long to read. I can‘t wait to read the other 2 series. I loved how the author mixed in history and science and still made it so I interesting!
Took me a day to read, the book had me in total suspense. I did think the ending was going to be more detailed though. I can't wait to see what this author writes next. Someone was also not happy I was taking time away from her to read.
Amazing book!!!! I'm speechless and how this book had the power to touch me so much emotionally!
Amazing book!! My heart hurt reading this book and be able to feel the passion between the two characters. Now, to watch the movie. I hope it's a good one!
First of all, I didn't know this book was a sequel. When I first started reading this book, I thought it was going to be awesome. The ending just killed it! I have no idea what exactly happened 🤷🏻♀️
Amazing concept of the book, but I rarely do young adult and the beginning of the book reminded me why. I was not feeling the mean girls and their high school drama in the book. I'm glad I stuck with it and was able to get past reliving high school and enjoy the meaning behind the book.
I haven't seen the movie, so before I do that this summer I decided to knock the book out. Palahniuk did an awesome job! He's definitely an author who's on my reading radar.
I enjoyed this book and it made me realize how awesome grandparents are!! I missed my grandmother so much during this story 😢
This book took me forever to get through. I'm not sure if watching the series before reading the book had anything to do with it. This is one the rare times when the series is better than the book.
I loved loved this book!!!! I love my two fur legged children and couldn't help but wonder as I was reading this what goes through their mind. There is a certain joy to getting the opportunity to allow 4 legged friends into our lives and it is our responsibility as humans to give them the greatest life we can. This novel did an excellent job of portraying the value and bond of owning a pet.
Love the series... this wasn't my favorite book of the 3. I felt it dragged a lot in the middle. Thought the ending was good and now have to wait for book 4 to see how it all plays out! 😲
Such an awesome and different love story!! Even though it's a young adult book, the language the author used was so intense and emotional for me as a reader. Can't wait to read her other book!
A modern take on the old movie Same Time Next Year, of course with a twist. I could not put this book down! Just when you thought you knew how it was going to end something would happen that you never would expect. Love Colleen Hoover!
Liane Moriaty had me engaged the whole book. What was 400 some pages, felt more like 200. I've read one other of her books and enjoyed it just as much. I can't wait to see the show now, especially with the awesome actresses!
I enjoyed this book, I'm not one to read a lot of romance novels. It was a short read and the characters were great. I did feel that the ended wrapped up in a rush, but other than that felt no other shortcomings.
It's amazing that such a long book can be written about an object, such as The Goldfinch painting. Although it took me a while to finish this book, I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated it. With all the emotions I experienced as a reader, I feel relieved that it is finally over and can sleep easier at night knowing what came of The Goldfinch.
Book is great for beginners who are thinking about going into the Paleo lifestyle. As of recently, I've strayed away from this way of healthy living and have given into my weaknesses of unhealthy snacks and quick processed foods. This book contains simple and fast Paleo recipes that are going to be perfect for me and my busy schedule. Can't wait to get back on track for the New Year!
I enjoyed this book, even though it made me feel like a teenage girl again. Some of the issues that were touched were great for young girls to be exposed to. What made it even more entertaining for me was the similarities of Lady Bird Hope and our new President Elect (not a compliment)....
I loved this book!!! Though I was an emotional wreck at the end, I was able to look at my own life and appreciate everything no matter what struggles are thrown my way. A must read!
I love Jojo Moyes. Her stories are so enjoyable. I'm a sucker for stories with pups and was so excited that Norman was a hero! Definitely, can't wait to read another one of Moyes books!
I wanted to love this book as much as I loved How to Kill a Mockingbird. I assume, it's unfair on my part through the whole novel I compared it to Harper Lee's first book. My expectations were too high before I even touched the book. No doubt the issues presented in the book are delicate ones that we are still fighting today.
I loved this sequel and the concept and characters in the books. My only complaint/question is the similarities that hold strong between Mare and Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games). I am curious to see how the series ends, but will be extremely disappointed if it mimics the Hunger Games ending.
Obsessed with this sequel! #redqueen #glasssword #bookworm