Loving it, so far.
#neilgaiman #neverwhere #Door #richardrichardmayhewdick #paperback
Loving it, so far.
#neilgaiman #neverwhere #Door #richardrichardmayhewdick #paperback
"Do you like cat?" she said.
"Yes, " said Richard. "I quite like cats."
Anaesthesia looked relieved. "Thigh?" she asked. "Or breast?"
His feet hurt, and his eyes stung, and he knew that soon enough he would wake up from today and a proper Monday, a sensible Monday, a decent, honest Monday would begin.
Gothic literature can be a little taxing to read sometimes. But I find a sense of accomplishment finishing one. Besides, it's undeniable that Gothic imagery is some of the finest when it comes to literature especially once you get a hang of the writing style.
Finished Dracula in 10 days with long rests intervals. Anti-climatic ending but the story itself was still pretty. I still like Frankenstein by Mary Shelley more, however.
No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering." - Cenobite
Been thinking of this book lately. I kinda miss it. Probably time for a re-read.
#coffee #scifi #literature
Here's a book that I absolutely love.
One of my top faves for this year.