This was cute RomCom, there were a few laugh out loud moments. I liked the way it shifted from the point of view of each of the main characters.
It did drag a little at times, but still a good read.
This has been a pretty good series so far. There is a lot of build up before you get to about 5 pages of action, but still fun to read. Ready for the third one.
So I haven‘t posted in a while, not because I wasn‘t reading, just not feeling too social 😁. But I am working my way back and thought this was a good way to start.
Christina Lauren books such comfort reads - like a Hallmark Christmas movie. You know there will be a meet-cute and all will go well, there will be some mix-up that will cause the couple some strife, but it all works out and they live happily ever after. Gotta love that ❤️
I rarely get the chance to read a whole book in a day, but today was my lucky day. Spent the day with my kiddo at a band event and was so glad I had this in tow. This was a nice easy read, relatively predictable, but just right for the day. There were moments I wanted reach in and shake the mom, but she grew on me. All in all nice book.
Is it predictable? Yes. Are the characters ridiculous and unrelatable? Yes. Do I read every book in the series? Yes, because I love the crazy characters and predictability. I just can‘t wait to see how Stephanie destroys her next car 😂
I got one more book in right under the wire. It was not intentional, but this was such an easy read and it is a quiet evening, I just kept going.
Enjoyed this one, you know what you are in for and pretty much know you are guaranteed a happy ending 😁👍
Happy New Year!! 🍾🎉
The only bad thing about starting a brand new series is having to wait for the next one 😢. Can not wait to see what Alex Stern gets into next.
This one did get me across the finish line for my 2019 Goodreads Challenge.
So excited!! Sending out my first Litsy swap. Thanks @AprilMae for hosting!! 🎄🥧 #HolidayRecipeSwap
I just signed up for my first Litsy Swap!! Super excited to participate in #holidayrecipeswap. 🥧🎄
This was a cute, quick read that, even though predictable, did have some good dialogue and even made me LOL several times. Plus, Tom Hanks has always been my “ideal”, so I can relate 😁🎬
This one fell off my radar a while ago, but fully admit seeing all the promotion around the Amazon series pulled me back in. And I decided I would not watch until I read the book, and that was really hard given how much I love all things David Tennant. This was a great read and I should have read it long ago.
This one threw me at first, I was not sure I was going to like Eleanor, but I was wrong. 😁 What a lovely read about how you can‘t let your past and who you think you are define you - we can always set forth a new path. Great read.
I knew this would have me shedding a tear or two, but also knew I would probably love it. And I did. Just the kind of read I needed 👍
I hope I am emotionally equipped to read this one. Two pages in and I am already getting worried 😕. #dogsoflitsy
After so many positive posts here about Louise Penny and Inspector Gamache, needed to check them out.
What a great read. I loved the story of Poppy and her family. It made me laugh and think and appreciate the love of family.
Been waiting a while for this one to come available at the library.
My reading buddy is not nearly as excited as I am about it. 🐶📚 #dogsoflitsy
Ok, so I trudged my way through this one. I was ready to walk away but kept on since it was a pick for #pop19, and I am determined 😁. It may not be fair to “pan” this book, but I just did not find it enjoyable. There was nothing to like about 99% of the characters, there was only one I felt I could even tolerate. I found it to be slow moving and anticlimactic once the plot was revealed. I was really expecting more.
Fun book. Pretty quick read. Need to keep this author in the rotation.
Ok, about 100 pages in and seems like it is taking some time for the story to develop. Is it worth sticking with? Does the story pick up? This is the first time I have anything from this author so not sure if this is typical of their style of writing. Thanks!! 👍📚
I did not expect to love this book as much as I did. I loved Will and her insecurities, but yet not compromising on who she is. I loved her love of her best friend and how she fought for that friendship. And yet went beyond her comfort to form new friendships.
My main motivation for reading this was because I wanted to watch the Netflix movie. Now I am afraid watching the movie might spoil what I have created in my own head 😁
I wanted to like this book. It has everything I love - Texas and football. It even has some pretty good details that you pick up if you live in the DFW area. But then it gets weird and the choices the main character starts to make, makes me feel icky.
And I think I remember why I had not read one of this authors books in a while. Life‘s too short to read books I am not enjoying - moving on to the next one. 👍😁
I loved this series and was glad for the happy ending. I will say there were times it slowed down a little much, but it was worth trodding through those moments to get to the end. Great read. 👍😁
Haven‘t read anything from Emily Griffin in a while. Being a Texas girl, I am a sucker for just about anything set in Texas 😁
Cute fun read. Always interesting to get in the mind of someone you think would be fun to hang out with.
This one has been on my TBR pile for a while. It started out slow, but I stuck with it and it ended up being really great. Had a twist I did not see coming, but should have expected.
I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It was very sweet, although I had it figured out pretty early on how her letters got out. Curious if it is worth reading the other books in the series.
Another one for the reading challenge. Book with “love” in the title. Don‘t read a ton of YA, but am excited for an excuse to read this one 😜
Finished this one on the way into work today. Fun read, did have me guessing until the end. I must say, I did expect another twist on the last page 😁
What a lovely read. I laughed and cried. Really did not expect it to touch me like it did. Made me think a lot about my own Grandmother ❤️
Diving head first into 2019 with a couple of reading challenges 📚
Hopefully there will be some overlap 😁