An action-packed adventure with airships, lovable characters and talking cats. Such a fun read. I'm eagerly anticipating the next book in the series.
An action-packed adventure with airships, lovable characters and talking cats. Such a fun read. I'm eagerly anticipating the next book in the series.
An excellent narration, a gripping story and a funny, sarcastic, witty and adorable main character (Mark Watney is one of my favorite characters of all time). I truly enjoyed this audio book.
My second attempt at reading this book and this time I finished it. It's not my favorite fantasy read, but I quite liked it.
Throughout the book I felt the need to give Fitz a cookie🍪 or a piece of chocolate🍫, just to comfort him. I was severly bummed out by this book.
Really enjoyed this fun and quirky read. Although I could have done without the whole Soo-Lin storyline. I really hated that woman.
An interesting premise, poorly executed. Didn't like the changing POVs and most of the characters were disgusting, to say the least. Just not my thing.
A stunning debut novel by Yaa Gaysi. The story of two sisters, seperated through certain circumstances and thus unknown to each other and the lives of their children, childrens children and so forth. I really enjoyed this novel, although it lost some of its power towards the end.
Finally I know what Sherlock's Seven-percent-solution is about. I was rather shocked by the beginning of this book, but I enjoyed this novel more than "A Study in Scarlett".
And I feel like a complete moron, because it didn't cross my mind that Mary Morstan and Watson's Mary are the same person?.
Sherlock: "I would rather have Toby's help than that of the whole detective force of London."
Toby the dog is awesome ?
1) The Movie is better than the book. 2) I'm glad that I don't have a book Rob, Barry, Dick or Laura in my life. 3) It was an ok read, but it hasn't been as funny as I would have expected.
This book is a fast read and a real pageturner, but I absolutely didn't like it. A lot of disgusting things are happening in this book to horrible and unlikeable characters. And the ending has been "oh-so-not-surprising". It just didn't work for me??
What would happen if Jane Eyre goes against the people that torment and humiliate her or her loved ones? Right, she would begin to murder them. Jane Steele is a great and enjoyable tribute to the classic novel.
Fun Friday Photo! A book with a perfect ending. "Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?" One of my all time favorite books with so many layers and it keeps getting better and better with every reread.
Listening to this while doing housechores. And I'm loving it! The narrator makes me crack up at places that I didn't find that funny when I first read it.
The story is told through the POV of a group of teenage boys and albeit this perspective is an unique one, I just can't put up with it. DNF at 28%.
I really liked the dark, gothic atmosphere of this novel. But I had some issues with the plot and the characters. The "should I be a spunky heroine or rather a damsell in distress" attitude of the main character Mary grated on my nerves. Not DuMauriers best novel.
My June TBR. The first novel I'm going to read out of these six is The Virgin Suicides. But what should I read after that? Any recommendations?
Daphne DuMaurier's masterful descriptions of landscapes never fail to amaze me.
Ever since I visited the Jamaica Inn in Cornwall, this novel has been on my TBR-list. Loved "Rebecca" and "My Cousin Rachel" and I hope that I'm going to like this book as well.
Too many characters with too much info dumping on all of them, a story, which has been too drawn out and a lackluster ending. Haven't been overly enthused by this book. Loved the paintings french attitude, though.
Chapters told through the point of view of a painting. I'm definitely intrigued by this book.
A depressing, tragic and gut-wrenching novel with a dysfunctional marriage at its heart. Definitely not a comfort read, but beautifully written and a truly brilliant novel. Absolutely loved it.
Just got "Old Herbaceous" from the library and I'm so happy that this book is still in a very good condition after more than 50 years.