Love it! Can't wait to start Wandfasted!
Love it! Can't wait to start Wandfasted!
I feel so bad cuz I'm never on here anymore... Lol hope everyone is doing well! I'm reading The Black Witch and Good Omens right now. Both are good, The Black Witch has my attention more so tho! Lol
Reading while my daughter watches Naruto and bf watches football... With my Hufflepuff glass of wine. 🥂
This is Gandolf... She likes to sit with books. Lol
Started Audible for the first time today! Continuing my listen of the HP books since Archive.come took them down.
This world is to die for.. Can't wait for the next story
Man... This was an interesting read. My first dark fantasy. I liked it!
Here we go... I hope this adventure is as entertaining as I've heard it to be. 😄
Only 28% left... Can I just work afterwards...?? Game changer just happened... Everyone is about to get caught... Council of Tides showed up?? (I expected that at some point because of all the talk about how they are never seen... So I knew we'd see them eventually) Come on lunch time!
@Leslie2 Omg!! My box was amazing! I love everything in it! Can't wait to read these books, perfect choices! Love the HP magnet and bookmarks! Lotion smells AMAZING! Candy! And a mug for my coffee!! Thank you so much!! #HalloweenGoesPostal
Love the garden area at work. Reading on my lunch break. Much needed escape. 😄
This book is getting interesting... Not that I'm a major critic, I don't have the want to dnf books very often. American Gods and Roseblood are the only two I can think of that I didn't finish.
Final Fantasy xiv. We have a nerdy living room with 2 TV and 2 ps4s. Along with our bookshelves, we like to play video games together 😍😄
Starting A Six of Crows. I loved the Grisha Trilogy so I'm gonna see how these are. I hope I like them! Here I go... 🤓📖
My kindle case should be here today! I'm so excited. 😄
Omg! So good!! I want everyone to read the Red Rising trilogy... Lol
Home sick from work. Hanging out with Gandolf and reading my book. Eating soup. Hope I feel better soon before our anniversary dinner on Friday.
My reading slump of a weekend is broken... Finishing up the Red Rising trilogy. I've been putting it off, for about a month now, reading other books and living in other worlds and living/loving other characters. I didn't want this world to end yet. But I need to know what happens!
Anyone else ever dress up in their house colors for a normal day?? 😄
#HalloweenGoesPostal #FallBookExchange @Foragingfantasy Here it comes!! I hope you have a wonderful season!
My new phone case came in today!! I love it so much
I'm really enjoying these books. I'm so sad this is the last one... I don't want it to end but I can't put it down! #TooGoodToStop
#HalloweenGoesPostal #FallBookExchange My books/goodies don't fit in an Owlcrate box. Gonna have to find something a bit bigger. But! I'm about done, am I allowed to send early??
Also... Starting A Conjuring of Light this morning. 😄
I don't follow much football but I feel like it's part of the season and the gatherings are fun. 😄
First buys for the #HalloweenGoesPostal #FallBookExchange! It's my first time so I don't know if I'm doing too much or too little but I hope they love it when it's done!
Having a really hard time putting my book down to work... #TooGoodToStop
Love my workout bookish related shirts. This one is Zelda... Totally counts... Lol read my kindle app while waiting for the bf to finish up after I'm done. It works out nicely. (pun intended. Lol)
Went and ordered New World Inferno for my daughter Dany(12yo) today. She's so excited. 😄
#HalloweenGoesPostal #FallBookExchange I just received my email for exchange! I'm so excited! This is my first exchange and I can't wait!
Having a hard time working... Can't stop thinking about Red London! Lol can't wait til lunch time.
Finished GOLDEN SON and "Omg" is literally what I said out loud when I was done. Lol my bf was like "are you ok..." No, no I'm not. Lol
Here I go into this second installment of the story of Darrow!
This book was very different than anything I've ever read... I loved it. It wasn't too slow but also wasn't a very fast paced story. And it didn't end on a cliffhanger but isn't a standalone. Satisfied with this read!
This book... I don't want it to end. Lunch time at the office.
Made it to 50%. I've read some posts about how it was hard to get into this book. It was a slow, but very intriguing beginning, and only getting better.
Time to start A Darker Shade of Magic before starting the next trilogy in Creepy Hollow.
I really enjoyed this whole trilogy. Cant wait to start the next trilogy. But I'm starting a darker shade of magic first.
Starting this series as an in between read while I wait for Golden Son to arrive. I have ended up liking it more than I thought I would, but not as much as I want to like it. Lol
Still my current read. I'm loving the story so far and I'm enjoying it. But... I feel like there is an unnecessary amount of description to everything that takes away from the actual story. Not enough to not enjoy it tho. Just a little annoying at time like... Just tell me what's happening, stop telling me about how the surroundings look. Lol