Cannot wait to dive in! 😍
Tiffany McDaniel presents this carefully crafted experience of a novel that is equal parts beautiful prose, intellectual narrative and thought-provoking. Behind the slightly humorous writing hides this dark undertone that merges incredibly with the story. We meet Fielding Bliss at the age of 84, he reminisces about the summer of 1984.
Only a few pages left in this book. Still need to figure out how I feel about it.
With truly exceptional writing, full of anticipation and engaging dialogue this novel never failed to give the reader action-packed encounters and unsettling truths with a hint of an ever-present and enjoyable romance.
I‘m so ready for more of this story that is equal parts Romance and Fantasy, and I loved it as a whole and also every facet of it, the magic, the relationships, the world, everything.
"Where are we going? Rhys' smile widened into a grin. "To Velaris - the City of Starlight"
4.5 Stars - I loved how she managed the urban setting, which wasn‘t very illustrative of detailed, although I don‘t think it really needed it, with these characters and these type of situations the novel already had a self-explanatory eerie sensation.
THE SUMMER GAMES: Settling The Score will make chuckle so many times, it had the right amount of drama, the perfect amount of angst (and sports angst as well!), and I‘m so looking forward to the next standalone in the series, THE SUMMER GAMES: Ouf of Bounds, coming in August!